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1.1 Background to the Study

Attitude is a multidimensional psychological construct that encompasses an individual’s overall evaluation, feelings, and predisposition toward a particular object, person, event, or idea. It consists of cognitive, affective, and behavioral components, reflecting the beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and intentions associated with the attitude object. Attitudes are formed through cognitive processes such as information processing, social learning, and personal experiences, and they can be influenced by societal, cultural, and media factors. According to Al-Akoum and Abu-Hussain (2018) attitudes play a significant role in shaping human behavior and decision-making, providing a framework for understanding and predicting how individuals respond and interact with the world around them. They have implications in various domains, including marketing, social psychology, and organizational behavior, and understanding attitudes is crucial for tailoring messages, predicting behavior, and promoting positive social outcomes.

The concept of environment refers to the surroundings, conditions, and influences that encompass and impact living organisms, including humans, animals, and plants. It encompasses both the physical and social aspects of the world in which organisms exist. The physical environment comprises elements such as air, water, landforms, climate, and ecosystems, which interact and provide the necessary resources and habitat for life. The social environment includes the cultural, economic, political, and interpersonal factors that shape individuals’ experiences and interactions within society. According to Al-Jubari (2019) the environment plays a fundamental role in shaping the development, behavior, and well-being of organisms. It provides the resources necessary for survival and influences biological processes, ecological dynamics, and human activities. Moreover, the environment is subject to various influences, such as human-induced changes, natural events, and global processes, which can have both positive and negative impacts on ecosystems and societies. Recognizing the importance of the environment is crucial for sustainable development, conservation efforts, and promoting the overall welfare of both present and future generations.

The concept of learning environment refers to the physical, social, and psychological conditions in which learning takes place. It encompasses the physical setting of a classroom or educational institution, the social interactions among students and teachers, and the psychological factors that influence learning, such as motivation, engagement, and emotional climate. According to Al-Rawashdeh and Al-Zboon (2019) positive learning environment is characterized by factors such as a well-designed physical space that is conducive to learning, supportive and respectful relationships among students and teachers, clear expectations and goals, and opportunities for active participation and collaboration. It also includes the availability of appropriate learning resources, technologies, and instructional materials. A nurturing and inclusive learning environment fosters student well-being, enhances their motivation to learn, and promotes the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Teachers play a critical role in creating and maintaining an effective learning environment by employing instructional strategies that cater to diverse learning styles and needs, providing constructive feedback, and promoting a culture of inquiry and critical thinking (Al-Zboon, Al-Sawalqa & Al-Jarrah, 2020). Recognizing and addressing the impact of the learning environment on student outcomes is essential for optimizing the educational experience and facilitating meaningful learning.

Islamic Studies is an interdisciplinary field of academic inquiry that focuses on the study of Islam as a religion, its history, beliefs, practices, and its influence on societies and cultures. It encompasses various disciplines such as theology, jurisprudence, Quranic studies, Hadith (Prophetic traditions), Islamic philosophy, Islamic art and architecture, Islamic history, and Islamic ethics (Idris & Nordin, 2019). Islamic Studies aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of Islam and its diverse manifestations across different regions and time periods. It explores the foundational texts of Islam, including the Quran and Hadith, as well as the development of Islamic thought, law, theology, and spirituality (Al-Sawalqa, Al-Jarrah & Al-Zboon, 2020). Islamic Studies also examines the cultural and social dimensions of Muslim societies, including their contributions to literature, science, art, and civilization. Moreover, it engages with contemporary issues and challenges faced by Muslims in the modern world, such as Islamic reform movements, gender dynamics, interfaith dialogue, and the relationship between Islam and politics. Islamic Studies seeks to foster critical thinking, cultural sensitivity, and a nuanced understanding of Islam and its global impact. It is pursued in both academic and religious settings, contributing to the academic study of religion, interfaith dialogue, and cross-cultural understanding.

The learning environment and students’ attitude have significant effects on the academic achievement of Islamic Studies. The learning environment plays a crucial role in creating a supportive and conducive atmosphere for learning. A well-designed physical setting with appropriate resources, such as Islamic literature, audiovisual aids, and technological tools, can enhance students’ engagement and participation in the subject matter. Additionally, a positive social environment that fosters respectful and inclusive interactions among students and teachers promotes a sense of belonging and motivation to excel in Islamic Studies (Al-Wahaibi, 2017). Moreover, students’ attitude towards the subject matter greatly influences their academic achievement. A positive attitude characterized by interest, curiosity, and intrinsic motivation towards Islamic Studies can lead to increased effort, active participation, and a deeper understanding of the subject. On the other hand, according to Al-Zboon, Al-Jarrah, & Al-Sawalqa, (2019) negative attitudes, such as disinterest, apathy, or misconceptions about the relevance or importance of Islamic Studies, can hinder students’ engagement and hinder their academic performance. Therefore, creating an engaging and supportive learning environment that nurtures positive attitudes towards Islamic Studies is crucial for enhancing students’ academic achievement in the field. This can be achieved through innovative pedagogical approaches, interactive teaching methods, and fostering a sense of relevance and connection between the subject matter and students’ personal lives and values. Additionally, incorporating opportunities for hands-on experiences, critical thinking, and discussion can further enhance students’ interest and academic success in Islamic Studies.

It is in line with the above discussion that this study seeks to examine the effects of learning environment and student’s attitude on the academic achievement of Islamic Studies in Lagos State

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Ideally, students studying Islamic Studies in Lagos State should have a conducive learning environment and positive attitudes towards the subject, which would contribute to their academic achievement. However, the current learning environment and students’ attitudes towards Islamic Studies in Lagos State may not be optimal for achieving high academic performance. Efforts have been made to improve the learning environment by providing necessary resources, such as textbooks, teaching materials, and appropriate facilities (Al-Zboon, Al-Sawalqa & Al-Jarrah, 2020). Additionally, attempts have been made to promote positive attitudes towards Islamic Studies through curriculum enhancements and teacher training programs.

Despite the measures taken, there may still be persistent challenges in creating an ideal learning environment and fostering positive attitudes among students towards Islamic Studies in Lagos State. The suboptimal learning environment and negative attitudes towards Islamic Studies can have significant effects on students’ academic achievement. Students may struggle to engage with the subject, leading to decreased attentiveness, motivation, and overall performance. This can also affect their perception of the importance and relevance of Islamic Studies in their lives.

It is important to conduct research to understand the relationship between the learning environment, students’ attitudes, and academic achievement in Islamic Studies. By identifying the specific factors that influence these variables, effective interventions and strategies can be developed to enhance the educational experience and improve academic outcomes for students in Lagos State.

While previous studies have explored the impact of learning environments and student attitudes on academic achievement, there is a need for research specifically focused on the context of Islamic Studies in Lagos State. This research will provide valuable insights into the unique challenges and opportunities within this subject area and contribute to the existing body of knowledge.

Considering the importance of Islamic Studies and its impact on students’ academic achievement, it is crucial to investigate the effects of the learning environment and students’ attitudes in Lagos State. By addressing the identified gaps and understanding the factors influencing academic performance, appropriate interventions can be designed to promote a positive learning environment and cultivate favorable attitudes towards Islamic Studies, ultimately leading to improved academic achievement among students.

1.3. Purpose of the Study

            The main purpose of this study is to examine the environmental factors affecting students’ achievement and attitude to learning Islamic Studies in Lagos State. Other specific objectives of the study are to:

  1. Determine the factors that influence students’ achievement in learning Islamic Studies in Lagos state.
  2. Examine the role of teaching methods and materials in enhancing students’ achievement in learning Islamic Studies in Lagos state.
  3. Find out how students’ attitudes towards Islamic Studies affect their achievements in Lagos state.
  4. Discuss how the teaching of Islamic Studies can be improved upon in Lagos state to enhance students’ achievement and attitude towards learning.

1.4 Research Questions

            The study was guided by the following research questions:

  1. What are the factors that influence students’ achievement in learning Islamic Studies in Lagos state?
  2. What are the role of teaching methods and materials in enhancing students’ achievement in learning Islamic Studies in Lagos state?
  • How do students’ attitudes towards Islamic Studies affect their achievements in Lagos state?
  1. How can the teaching of Islamic Studies be improved in Lagos state to enhance students’ achievement and attitude towards learning?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The significance of this study should not be underestimated, considering the high value placed on the Islamic Studies both within Nigeria and globally. If students continue to struggle in Islamic Studies, there is a risk that we may revert to relying solely on our native language, as there will be a lack of international intelligibility in the Islamic Studies we speak. It is not surprising that many graduates today lack proficiency in speaking, writing, and even reading Arabic. Therefore, this research holds importance for all educational stakeholders, including parents, the government, teachers, curriculum planners, and students themselves, who are the primary focus of this study.

Curriculum planners will benefit from this study by gaining an understanding of how the environment significantly impacts students’ performance in Islamic Studies. This knowledge will enable them to structure learning experiences that address or eliminate the challenges caused by the environment in the teaching and learning of Islamic Studies.

Teachers, as the implementers of the curriculum, will be able to assist students in overcoming the effects of the environment on their lexical choices by encouraging frequent speaking and writing in Arabic. This understanding will help teachers comprehend why students express themselves in the manner they do and guide them in finding the most effective teaching methods to promote the use of standard Arabic.

The government, as the primary provider of educational resources, will benefit from this study by considering the environment when establishing schools. Additionally, they can provide instructional materials and textbooks that assist students in overcoming the impact of the environment on their lexical choices.

Parents, as key influencers in their children’s education, can support their children in speaking Arabic proficiently regardless of their surrounding environment. This will significantly contribute to enhancing their mastery of the Islamic Studies and enriching their Arabic vocabulary.

Ultimately, the students themselves, who are at the core of this research, will benefit from the recommendations derived from this study. These recommendations will help them overcome the influence of the environment on their linguistic abilities and choices.

1.6 Scope and Delimitation of the Study

        This study will be focused on environmental factors affecting secondary school students’ achievement and attitudes to learning Islamic Studies. The study is restricted to selected secondary schools in Ifako Ijaye Local Government Area of Lagos State. The study shall cover factors that influence students’ achievement in learning Islamic Studies, the role of teaching methods and materials in enhancing students’ achievement in learning Islamic Studies, how students’ attitudes towards Islamic Studies affect their achievements and how the teaching of Islamic Studies be improved to enhance students’ achievement and attitude towards learning in Ifako Ijaye Local Government Area of Lagos State.

1.7 Operational Definitions of Terms

            The following terms are operationally defined as they are used in this study:

Environmental factors: For the purpose of this study, environmental factors refer to the external conditions or circumstances that affect students’ achievement and attitude towards learning Islamic Studies in Lagos state. These factors may include, but are not limited to, the socio-economic status of students, the availability of learning resources, the quality of teaching, and the cultural attitudes towards Islamic Studies in Lagos state.

Students’ achievement: In this study, students’ achievement refers to the level of success that students attain in learning Islamic Studies, as measured by their grades, test scores, and other academic performance indicators.

Attitude towards learning: Attitude towards learning refers to students’ feelings and perceptions towards the process of learning Islamic Studies. It encompasses aspects such as motivation, interest, engagement, and willingness to learn.

Teaching methods: Refers to the strategies, techniques, and approaches used by teachers to deliver Islamic Studies instruction in Lagos state. This includes methods such as lecture, discussion, demonstration, cooperative learning, and problem-based learning.

Teaching materials: Refers to the resources and tools used by teachers to support Islamic Studies instruction in Lagos state. This includes textbooks, workbooks, audio and video materials, and other instructional aids.

  • Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview Table of contents, abstract and chapter 1 below

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