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1.1 Background to the Study

Linguistic stylistics is a branch of linguistics that focuses on the study of how language is used in different stylistic contexts, particularly in literary and artistic texts. It analyzes the various linguistic features and techniques employed by writers and speakers to create specific effects and convey meaning. Linguistic stylistics examines elements such as phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics and discourse analysis to understand the stylistic choices made by authors and speakers. This field of study explores how linguistic devices such as metaphor, simile, alliteration, rhythm, repetition and wordplay contribute to the aesthetic and communicative qualities of a text. Scholars in linguistic stylistics also investigate the relationship between language and style, examining how language choices reflect social, cultural and historical contexts. For example, studies by Leech and Short (2007) and Simpson (2014) delve into the stylistic analysis of literary texts, exploring the use of language to convey emotions, create imagery and develop character. Overall, linguistic stylistics provides valuable insights into the intricate interplay between language and style, shedding light on the creative and expressive aspects of communication.

Linguistic stylistics plays a crucial role in understanding and appreciating the nuances of language use in various contexts, particularly in literature and other artistic forms. One of the key importance of linguistic stylistics is its ability to shed light on the aesthetic and expressive qualities of language. By examining linguistic features and techniques employed in literary texts, stylistic analysis allows readers to delve deeper into the layers of meaning and the creative choices made by authors. This understanding enhances the reader’s overall comprehension and interpretation of the text. Moreover, linguistic stylistics provides valuable insights into the social, cultural and historical dimensions of language use. By analyzing linguistic choices and patterns, stylistic analysis reveals how language reflects and shapes these contexts, offering a deeper understanding of the text’s significance. In addition, linguistic stylistics contributes to the development of language proficiency and critical thinking skills, as it requires a close examination and interpretation of language elements. By engaging in stylistic analysis, students and scholars develop a heightened sensitivity to language use, enabling them to become more effective communicators and critical readers. Overall, the importance of linguistic stylistics lies in its ability to illuminate the aesthetic, social and cognitive dimensions of language, enriching our understanding and appreciation of linguistic expression.

Presidential speeches are a significant aspect of political communication, serving as a means for presidents to address the nation, articulate their policy agendas, rally public support and shape public opinion. These speeches are carefully crafted to convey specific messages and evoke certain emotions from the audience. Scholars have extensively analyzed the rhetorical strategies employed in presidential speeches, examining elements such as language use, argumentation, persuasion and delivery. For example, Gruber (2016) explores the use of rhetorical devices, such as metaphors, in presidential speeches to create powerful imagery and convey complex ideas. Again, scholars have studied how presidents use framing techniques to shape public perception and garner support for their policies (Nelson, Clawson, & Oxley, 1997). Furthermore, research has shown that the effectiveness of presidential speeches can be influenced by factors such as the political climate, audience characteristics and the president’s own communication skills (Zarefsky, 2004). Ultimately, presidential speeches play a crucial role in shaping public discourse, influencing public opinion and providing a platform for presidents to communicate their vision and policy priorities to the nation.

Presidential Independence Day speeches hold a significant role in political tradition, as they provide an opportunity for presidents to address the nation on the occasion of celebrating the country’s independence. These speeches serve multiple purposes, including honoring the nation’s history, reflecting on its values and progress and highlighting current challenges and aspirations. Presidential Independence Day speeches often emphasize unity, patriotism and the importance of democratic principles. Scholars have analyzed the rhetorical strategies employed in these speeches, examining elements such as language use, themes and appeals to national identity. For example, Chesebro and Bertelsen (2001) conducted a study on the rhetoric of Independence Day speeches, highlighting how presidents utilize symbols, historical references and narratives to create a sense of shared identity and promote national cohesion. In addition, scholars have explored the role of these speeches in shaping public perception and fostering a sense of national unity (Edwards, 2003). Furthermore, research has shown that the content and delivery of Independence Day speeches can impact public opinion and shape the public’s understanding of the nation’s values and challenges. Ultimately, Presidential Independence Day speeches serve as a platform for presidents to reaffirm the nation’s ideals, inspire unity and call upon citizens to reflect on the significance of independence in the context of contemporary issues.

It is in line with the above discussion that this study seeks to carry out linguistics stylistics analysis of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s first independence speech.


1.2 Statement of the Problem

In the realm of linguistic stylistics, the examination of linguistic features and stylistic devices employed in political speeches holds immense significance, as they serve as powerful tools for conveying ideologies, shaping public opinion and influencing societal narratives. President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s first independence speech represents a crucial platform for him to articulate his vision, policies and aspirations for Nigeria. Therefore, conducting a comprehensive linguistic stylistics analysis of Tinubu’s first independence speech is essential in order to understand the ways in which he constructs and communicates his ideas, values and intentions to the Nigerian public.

While previous researchers have conducted analyses on the linguistic and stylistic aspects of political leaders’ speeches, including the works of Muhammed (2017), Muktar (2019) and Stephen (2022), none of these studies have specifically focused on the linguistic stylistics of President Ahmed Tinubu’s first independence speech. To the best of the researcher’s knowledge, no comprehensive examination of the linguistic features and stylistic devices employed in this particular speech has been undertaken thus far. Consequently, this study aims to address this gap by conducting a linguistic stylistics analysis of Tinubu’s first independence speech, with a specific focus on identifying and interpreting the various linguistic and stylistic elements employed by the President.

By building upon the existing body of research, this study not only seeks to analyze the linguistic and stylistic features present in President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s first independence speech but also aims to investigate the communicative functions and effects of these features. The linguistic and stylistic choices, including rhetorical devices, figurative language, syntactic structures and lexical patterns, utilized by President Tinubu play a significant role in shaping the persuasive power and impact of his speech. Understanding these linguistic and stylistic features will provide insights into how President Tinubu conveys his messages, expresses his intentions and influences the interpretation of his speech by the audience.

Furthermore, this research is motivated by the importance of exploring the linguistic stylistics strategies employed by President Tinubu in his first independence speech, as well as their implications for governance, national development and public perception. By conducting a detailed analysis of the linguistic and stylistic features, this study aims to gain a deeper understanding of President Tinubu’s rhetorical strategies, his leadership approach and his vision for Nigeria’s future. Such an analysis is particularly relevant as it allows for insights into President Tinubu’s policy priorities and provides a foundation for examining the potential trajectory of his administration.

1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The main aim of this study is to examine the linguistics stylistics analysis of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s first independence speech. Other specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To identify and analyze the linguistic features and stylistic devices employed in President Tinubu’s first independence speech.
  2. To interpret the communicative functions and effects of the linguistic stylistica features in the speech.
  3. To explore the relationship between linguistic stylistics and political discourse in the context of President Tinubu’s first independence speech.

1.4 Research Questions

The following research questions guided this study:

  1. What are the linguistic features and stylistic devices employed in President Tinubu’s first independence speech?
  2. What are the communicative functions and effects of the linguistic stylistic features used in President Tinubu’s first independence speech?
  3. How does the relationship between linguistic stylistics and political discourse manifest in the context of President Tinubu’s first independence speech?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The beneficiaries of the study on the topic include:

The findings of this study will contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field of linguistic stylistics and political discourse analysis. Scholars and researchers interested in the analysis of political speeches, linguistic features and stylistic devices will benefit from the insights and methodologies presented in this study.

Linguists and stylisticians studying the intricacies of language use and stylistic choices will find value in the examination of Tinubu’s first independence speech. The study will provide them with a case study to explore the application of linguistic and stylistic theories in a political context.

Political analysts and commentators who analyze and interpret political speeches will benefit from the study’s findings. The linguistic and stylistic analysis of Tinubu’s speech will provide them with a deeper understanding of the persuasive techniques, rhetorical strategies and ideological representations employed by the President during this significant address.

Professionals working in the fields of communication, public relations and media will gain valuable insights into the effective use of language and stylistic devices in political communication. The study’s findings can inform their understanding of how linguistic and stylistic choices shape public perception and influence the reception of political messages. The study’s analysis of Tinubu’s first independence speech can provide policy makers and political leaders with an understanding of the linguistic and stylistic strategies employed by a prominent political figure. This knowledge can guide their own speechwriting and communication techniques, helping them to effectively convey their vision, policies and aspirations to the public.

The findings of the study can benefit the general public by providing them with a deeper understanding of the linguistic and stylistic dimensions of political speeches. This awareness can enhance their critical thinking skills and enable them to engage in more informed analysis and interpretation of political discourse.

1.6 Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The scope of this study focuses specifically on the linguistic stylistic analysis of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s first independence speech. It aims to examine the various linguistic features employed in the speech, including but not limited to graphological, phonological, morphological, syntactic, lexical and rhetorical devices used by President Tinubu to enhance the aesthetic and persuasive qualities of his speech. It will explore how these linguistic stylistic features contribute to the overall stylistic impact and effectiveness of the speech. However, the study does not extend to analyzing other aspects of President Tinubu’s speeches, such as historical or political contexts, or any comparative analysis with other political leaders or contexts. Furthermore, the study solely focuses on President Tinubu’s first independence speech and does not include an analysis of his other speeches or broader thematic content beyond the linguistic stylistic aspects.

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  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
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