0813 406 9676 kenterpro1@gmail.com



Title page – – – – – – – – i
Declaration page – – – – – – – – ii
Approval page – – – – – – – – iii
Dedication – – – – – – – – – iv
Acknowledgement – – – – – – – v
Table of contents – – – – – – – – vii
Abstract – – – – – – – – – ix

1.1 Background to the study – – – – – – 1
1.2 Statement of the problem – – – – – – 4
1.3 Objectives of the study – – – – – – 5
1.4 Research questions – – – – – – – 6
1.5 Hypothesis – – – – – – – – 6
1.6 Significance of the study – – – – – – 6
1.7 Delimitation of the study – – – – – – 8
1.8 Definition of terms – – – – – – – 8

2.1 Meaning and Concept of Language Laboratory – – 11
2.2 Types of Language Laboratory – – – – 12
2.2.1 Audio-Passive Language Laboratory – – – 13
2.2.2 Audio Active Language Laboratory – – – – 13
2.2.3 Audio active-Comparative – – – – – 13
2.2.3 Audioactive-Comparative – – – – – 13
2.2.5 Structural Behavioral Language Laboratory – – 14
2.2.6 Communicative Language Laboratory or Cognitive
Laboratory – – – – – – – – 15
2.2.7 Multimedia Language Laboratory – – – – 15
2.3 Advantages of Language Laboratory – – – – 16
2.4 Disadvantages of Language Laboratory – – – 19
2.5 Effects of the Language Laboratory – – – – 21
2.6.1 Activities in the Language Laboratory – – – 21
2.6.2 The Availability of Language Laboratory – – – 22
2.7 Educational Problems in the Language Laboratory – – 23
2.7.1 The Students and the Language Laboratory – – 26
2.8 Summary of Literature Review – – – – – 28

3.1 Research design – – – – – – – 31
3.2 Population and Sample of the study – – – 32
3.3 Sampling Techniques – – – – – 34
3.4 Instrument for data collection – – – – – 34
3.5 Description of the Instrument – – – – 35
3.6 Validity and Reliability of the Instrument – – – 35
3.7 Procedure for data Collection – – – – 36
3.8 Method of Data Analysis – – – – – 37

4.1 Results – – – – – – – – 38
4.1.1 Analysis of students result – – – – – 38
4.1.2 Analysis of Teacher Result – – – – – 45
4.1.3 Hypothesis Testing – – – – – – 54
4.2 Discussion – – – – – – – – 56
4.2.1 Discussion of Teachers result – – – – – 57



5.1 Summary of Findings – – – – – – 59
5.2 Conclusion – – – – – – – – 60
5.3 Recommendation – – – – – – – 61
References – – – – – – – – 62
Appendices – – – – – – – – 64

The poor academic performance in English language particularly oral English among secondary school students has become a cause for concern to all stakeholders; whether language laboratory are not used in the teaching and learning of oral English in senior secondary schools. Consequently, this research work investigated how language laboratory can effectively improve the teaching and learning of oral English in senior secondary schools and the qualification of the teachers. Descriptive research of survey design was used in the study. The sample consisted of 100 respondents; 75 students and 25 teacher from the selected secondary schools in Pankshin LGA. Simple random techniques was used to select the sample. Data collected were analyzed using frequency count and chi-square for the hypothesis. The findings revealed that the use of language laboratory in the teaching and learning of oral English language education is to be improved. However, it was discovered that the use of language laboratory in the teaching and learning of oral English help in improving learning performance. It has been observed also that the teachers teaching oral English are mostly NCE holder.


1.1 Background to the Study
The importance of communication to man is incalculable especially when daily human interaction is concern. The primacy of language in human history has never been doubt. In political and social policy, language functions as a vehicle of interaction and an instrument of communication. Language roles parallel along the embodiment of culture which lead to the depth of a person’s reflection beyond the practical necessities of life to such aspects as the search for knowledge, education and collaboration among multi ethnic societies. In such a way, it revealed how English language come to play.
English language in Nigeria came to be as a result of the contact between English and Nigerians in socio-cultural, economic and political situation. Bamgbose (in Spencer, 1971) posits that the initial contact through trade and commerce led to more formalized relationship during colonial period and subsequent development ensured its dominant position as the country’s official language. In other words, English language is now the language of the administrative instructions; government; judicial records and proceedings; legislature; business and commerce; mass media; literature and academic instruction just to mention but few. To this note, every Nigerian child has access to the cultural and scientific knowledge of the world through English language,(Bamgbose, Banjo and Thomas, 2005). As a result of this, the English language became a compulsory subject that is taught at all levels of education in order to give the learner a necessary communication skills in dealing with public matters.
The ways in which this method of instruction that is English language can be taught in senior secondary school is through the use of language laboratory. Language laboratory is an audio or audio visual installation used as an aid in teaching and learning of oral English were each student is able to replay one track of a tape for more understanding and at the same time record his or her response on another track to listen to both the master track and the recorded for comparison.
Language laboratory is an important aid in the teaching and learning of oral English in the sense that every student is allow to use the headphone to listening to the pronunciation of the sounds and in collaboration of the teacher, the students learn better and faster. The laboratory gives the students the opportunity to express simple ideas in his own words and this will enable the student to gain confidence in his oral ability. The language laboratory also motivate learners’ attention by raising their curiosity and increase learning effectiveness. A good English teacher tries to transmit knowledge to his students during oral classes by using the language laboratory.
Pankshin is a province in year 1926 during the colonial masters and later became a local government council in 1976 following the creation of local government council in Nigeria. According to plateau state.gov.ng, Pankshin is located in central senatorial district of plateau state in an area of science beauty surrounded by hills. Pankshin, a home of peace, hospitality and tourism is founded between latitude 9 and 10 degree north and longitude 9 and 26 degree east, the population of about 195, 685 people, according to the 2006 population census. It has a generally milder climate than any other part of the country. The cold and winds of harmattan makes the months of January and December very cold and hazy and sometimes the weather can be unpredictable.
Pankshin is bordered by Mangu local government to the west, Kanke to the east, Langtang north to the south east, Mikang to the south and Qua’an pan local government is predominantly inhabited by six(6) tribes namely;Ngas, Mupun, Kadung, Tal, Mhiship, Fiers ethnic groups, these ethnic groups have unique culture which akin to each other’s paramount ruler called “NgolongNgas”. The main occupations of the people of Pankshin are farming and livestock keeping.
1.2 Statement of the problem
The importance of using language laboratory for the teaching and learning of oral English cannot beover emphasized because learning objective might likely not be achieved without the use of language of instruction, trade and aviation, government and administrative activities. It is a second language in Nigeria which is officially recognized in public affairs.
However, the poor academic performance in the English language among senior secondary school students has become a cause for concern to all stakeholders, whether there is an availability of language laboratory or are not used appropriately in the teaching and learning of oral English. Therefore the problem of this study is to find out if language laboratory can effectively improve the teaching and learning of oral English in senior secondary schools.
1.3 Objectives of the study
The aim of this study is to show how important language laboratory is in the teaching and learning of oral English in senior secondary schools. The following objectives are to be achieved by the end of the study:
1. To examine the effectiveness of language laboratory in the teaching and learning of oral English
2. To find out whether there are qualified teachers teaching oral English
3. To identify the problems associated with the use of language laboratory in the teaching and learning of oral English.

1.4 Research questions
1. How effective is language laboratory in the teaching and learning of oral English?
2. How qualified are the teachers teaching oral English?
3. What are the problems associated with the use of language laboratory in teaching and learning of oral English?
1.5 Hypothesis
The hypothesis below was formulated for this study
Ho: there is no significant relationship between language laboratory and the effective teaching and learning of oral English.
1.6 Significance of the Study
This study has become paramount, considering the vital role that language laboratory play in the teaching and learning of oral English which motivated the researcher into the study.
Language laboratory have a very strong relationship with the teaching and learning of oral English. It is an important means of correcting the pronunciation and speech of the students in classroom situation and also in public matters.Language laboratory supplement and complement the teacher’s tasks of making sure that the students improve in their oral ability because language laboratory as earlier mention is a teaching aid that helps the teacher in teaching oral English. In line with this, (Balogun, 1997) posits that teaching aid refers to things which are intended to help the teacher to teach more effectively and to enable the students to learn more readily.
This research however would enable teachers of English language to identify problems and facts that hinder the effective teaching and learning of oral English and how to handle such problems. Students would as well be informed on their major problem areas with a view of finding means to remedy their problems in learning oral English.
More so, findings from this study would provide valuable information to the government, the Nigerian educational research center (NERC) and the curriculum planners an awareness to create or install language laboratory for the effective teaching and learning of oral English.

1.7 Delimitation of the Study
Due to time constraint and finances or cost implication, this research work is limited to selected senior secondary schools within the province of the case study. The range of the study is wide but the study areas which are selected as samples represent the range.
1.8 Definition of Operational Terms
English language: This is a native language in some countries like USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. While in other countries like Nigeria, it is either a foreign language. It is recognized as the language of instruction and international trade.
Language Laboratory:Is an audio or audio-visual installation used as an aid in teaching and learning of oral English.
Teaching:This is an interaction between a more knowledgeable person and a person who is willing and prepared to learn. It is an act of instructing educating or inculcating knowledge to learners.
Learning: The process of acquiring knowledge either from studying or reading.
Oral English:Oral English deals with speech sounds pronounced by the voice resonating in the mouth, as the vowels in English or spoken rather than written which is connected with phonetics-speech sounds. 


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