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Title page-       –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           -i

Declaration-    –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           -ii

Approval page-           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           -iii

Dedication-     –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           -iv

Acknowledgement-    –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           -v

Table of contents-       –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           -vi

Abstract-         –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           -ix



  • Background to the study- –           –           –           –           –           –           -1
  • Statement of the problem- –           –           –           –           –           –           -5
  • Purpose of the study- –           –           –           –           –           –           –           -5
  • Research questions- –           –           –           –           –           –           –           -6
  • Research Hypothesis- – –           –           –           –           –           –           -6
  • Significance of the study- –           –           –           –           –           –           -7
  • Scope of the Study –           –           –           –           –           –           –           8
  • Operational definition of terms- –           –           –           –           –           -8



2.1       The concept hearing Impairment        –           –           –           –           –           -11

2.2       The concept of concrete instructional materials         –           –           –           -14

2.3       The effects of concrete instructional materials on the academic performance of pupils with hearing impairment in Basic Science  –           –           –           17 

2.4       Factors affecting the performance of pupils with hearing impairment

 in Basic          –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           20

 2.5      Science and strategies for improving the academic performance of students with hearing impairment in Basic Science  –           –           –           –           -22

2.6       Summary of Literatures Reviewed     –           –           –           –           –           27



3.1       Research design-         –           –           –           –           –           –           –           30

3.2       Population and Sample of the study – –           –           –           –           –           30

3.3       Sample and sampling techniques-      –           –           –           –           –           30

3.4       Instrument for data collection-            –           –           –           –           –           -31

3.5          Validity and Reliability of the Instrument          –              –              –          31

3.6       Method of Data collection-     –           –           –           –           –           –           32

3.7       Method for data analysis-        –           –           –           –           –           –           -32



4.1       Presentation of Bio-Data        –           –           –           –           –           –           -34

4.2       Analysis of Research Questions         –           –           –           –           –           -36

4.3       Hypothesis Testing                 –           –           –           –           –           –           39

4.4       Discussion of Findings                       –           –           –           –           –           39



5.1       Summary of Findings-            –           –           –           –           –           –           -43

5.2       Conclusion-     –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           -43

5.3       Recommendations-     –           –           –           –           –           –           –           44

5.4       Suggestions for Further Study –          –           –           –           –           –           45

REFERENCES-         –           –           –           –           –           –           –           46

APPENDIX                –           –           –           –           –           –           –           48





















The purpose of this study was mainly to investigate the Influence of concrete materials in teaching Basic Science to junior secondary school students in Otana Integrated School, Jos. For this reason, the researchers formulated three research questions to guide the study. To further support this claim, one hypothesis was postulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The population of the study was thirty-six (36) students with hearing impairment in the junior secondary school section of Otana Integrated School, Jos. The sample size consisted of twenty (20) students with hearing impairment in the junior secondary school section of Otana Integrated School, Jos. Mean score and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while the hypothesis was verified using Chi-Square. The finding revealed inadequate instructional materials for teaching Basic Science, lack of language signs for mathematical concepts, lack of trained and qualified Basic Science teachers, negative attitudes of students with hearing impairment towards Basic Science and Lack of parental involvement in the education of their children contributes to the poor academic performance of students with hearing impairment in Basic Science. The findings also revealed that concrete materials facilitate the internalization of science concepts presented to students with hearing impairment. It allows students with hearing impairment to experiment and explore science concepts and also give them the opportunity to manipulate scientific objects themselves. It went further to unveil that there is a significant relationship between the use of concrete materials in teaching Basic Science and the academic performance of students with hearing impairment in junior secondary schools.  This implies that teachers’ use of concrete materials influences the academic performance of their students with hearing impairment. The study recommended that since hearing impaired students taught Basic Science using concrete materials perform better than those who are Basic Science using abstract scientific symbols only, students with hearing impairment should be frequently taught by use of concrete materials for better performance in Basic Science.  The study further suggested that Workshops on the use of and updates of concrete material should be organized on regular basis for teachers since knowledge gain is a continuous process and knowledge grows in itself.





  • Background to the Study

Basic science is an important subject in junior secondary school, as it introduces students to the fundamental concepts of science and scientific methods of inquiry. It is a multidisciplinary subject that covers the basic principles of biology, chemistry, physics, and earth science. Basic science education in junior secondary school helps to lay a solid foundation for students to develop an interest in science, pursue science-related courses in the senior secondary school, and ultimately in higher education (Omosewo & Oladipo, 2017). The teaching of basic science in junior secondary school is crucial because it helps students to develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and scientific literacy. It also helps students to understand the natural world around them, appreciate the complexity of life, and make informed decisions about science-related issues. Through basic science education, students learn to ask questions, seek evidence, and draw logical conclusions, which are essential skills in science and everyday life. The Nigerian National Policy on Education (NPE) recognizes the importance of basic science education in junior secondary school. The policy stipulates that students should be taught basic science as a core subject in the junior secondary school curriculum. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics such as cell biology, ecology, matter and energy, forces and motion, electricity, magnetism, and the earth’s structure (Nigerian National Policy on Education, 2013). To effectively teach basic science to junior secondary school students, teachers need to use concrete instructional materials.

Concrete instructional materials are essential tools in the teaching and learning process, especially in junior secondary schools. These materials can be tangible or intangible, and they serve as a visual and practical means of conveying information to students. Concrete instructional materials, when used effectively, have the potential to positively impact the academic performance of junior secondary school students (Akinpelu, 2016). In the past, traditional teaching methods relied heavily on lectures, textbooks, and note-taking, leaving students with limited opportunities for hands-on learning. However, with the advent of technology and innovative teaching techniques, the use of concrete instructional materials has become more prevalent in classrooms. These materials include objects, models, diagrams, and multimedia presentations, which help students especially those with hearing impairment to understand and retain information more effectively.

Hearing Impaired (HI) students have been a subject of educational attention for many years. In fact, systematic teaching of the hearing impaired is adversely affected by prejudice from hearing educators and parents who believed that deaf and dumb children are either incapable of learning or have serious limitations to their potential because of their deafness and lack of or distorted speech. Fortunately, a number of studies show that these prejudices are unfounded (Falade, 2017). Hearing impairment is one of the disabilities that can affect students’ abilities to learn Basic Science, and understanding these issues is essential to helping students overcome them. For a child, hearing is an essential tool of learning, playing, and developing social skills therefore hearing loss can significantly affect his/her life. Hearing impairment can make it difficult for a child to do well in school for many reasons. Hearing impaired children might attend special schools, regular schools with special education classes, or regular schools with regular classes depending on the child’s needs and the severity of their impairment. Among the hearing impaired, other disabilities are more likely to be found than within the hearing population (Okoli & Owoicho, 2015). It can be difficult to identify additional learning disabilities because being hearing impaired has itself its own learning disability often causing a child to have delayed language acquisition, which in turn delays academic skills.

The use of concrete instructional materials in teaching and learning help the learners to explore experiment, create and interact with the environment intensively. Copious uses of instructional materials help to provide learners with an enabling environment to learn Basic Science. Instructional materials make teaching and learning more effective. They can be manipulated, seen, heard or talked about as instruments which facilitate such activity. Instructional materials are necessary ingredients in the development of any curriculum. The main aim of instructional materials in the teaching of Basic Science is to increase the effectiveness of teaching Basic Science as a means of preparing learners for future responsibilities as adults. It is on this background that the study seeks to investigate on the influence of concrete materials in teaching Basic Science to junior secondary school students in Otana Integrated School, Jos.

  • Statement of the Problem

The teaching of Basic Science to junior secondary students in Otana Integrated School, Jos is facing a challenge in terms of the appropriate use of concrete materials. Concrete materials are often underutilized or not used at all in teaching Basic Science, leading to poor understanding and performance of students in the subject. This problem is particularly acute in Otana Integrated School Jos, where the lack of access to modern teaching aids and facilities has made it difficult for teachers to incorporate concrete materials into their teaching of Basic Science. As a result, students are not able to relate theoretical concepts to practical applications, which limits their ability to grasp the subject and apply it in real-life situations.

1.3       Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to investigate on the influence of concrete materials in teaching Basic Science to junior secondary school students in Otana Integrated School, Jos. The study is guided by the following specific objectives:

  1. To determine factors that contribute to poor performance in Basic Science for junior secondary school students in Otana, Integrated School, Jos.
  2. To determine the impact of concrete materials in Basic Science for junior secondary school students in Otana, Integrated School, Jos.
  3. To explore measures that can improve performance of students in Basic Science for junior secondary school students in Otana, Integrated School, Jos.

1.4       Research Questions

  1. What are the factors that contribute to poor performance in Basic Science for junior secondary school students in Otana, Integrated School, Jos?
  2. What are the impact of concrete materials on Basic Science performance of junior secondary school students in Otana, Integrated School, Jos?
  3. What are the measures to improve performance of junior secondary school students in Basic Science in Otana Integrated School, Jos?

1.5       Research Hypothesis

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the use of concrete materials in teaching Basic Science and the academic performance of junior secondary school students.

1.6       Significance of the Study

The study on the influence of concrete materials in teaching Basic Science to junior secondary school students in Otana, Integrated Jos has significant implications for different stakeholders, including students, teachers, government, and researchers.

Students: The study can benefit students in several ways. First, the use of concrete materials can make learning Basic Science more engaging and interesting. Students can see the practical applications of what they are learning, which can help them retain information better. Second, the study can improve students’ performance in Basic Science. Using concrete materials can enhance students’ understanding of abstract concepts, leading to better academic outcomes.

Teachers: The study can be helpful to teachers in planning and delivering effective lessons. By using concrete materials, teachers can make their lessons more interactive and engaging, which can increase student participation and motivation. The study can also help teachers identify effective strategies for using concrete materials in the classroom, which can improve their teaching practices.

Government: The study’s findings can be useful to policymakers and education authorities in improving the quality of education in junior secondary schools. The study can provide evidence-based recommendations for incorporating concrete materials in the teaching of Basic Science. This can enhance the quality of education and prepare students for higher education and future careers.

Researchers: The study can contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the use of concrete materials in teaching Basic Science. Researchers can build on the study’s findings to conduct further research and explore different aspects of the use of concrete materials in the classroom.

1.7       Scope of the Study

The study will be focused on exploring only the influence of concrete materials in teaching Basic Science. The study will be confined to junior secondary school students in Otana Integrated School, Jos.

1.8       Definitions of Operational Terms

Academic performance: how well primary three pupils with hearing impairment deal with their studies and how they cope with or accomplish different tasks given to them by their Basic Science teacher.


Hearing impairment: Hearing Impairment is the loss of the sense or organ of hearing.

Basic Science: Basic science is an important subject in junior secondary school that introduces students to the fundamental concepts of science and scientific methods of inquiry.

Concrete Materials: Concrete Materials refer to physical materials that can be used to facilitate learning of students with hearing impairment.

Teaching: This is the sharing of knowledge, ideas and information between the special teacher and the students with hearing impairment

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  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
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