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Oral English, also known as spoken English or conversational English, refers to the use of the English language in verbal communication. It encompasses the skills and abilities required to effectively express oneself, understand others, and engage in meaningful conversations in English. Oral English involves various aspects such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, fluency, intonation, and pragmatic understanding. In the opinion of Adekunle (2019) it is a crucial component of language proficiency as it reflects one’s ability to communicate ideas, opinions, and emotions in real-time interactions. Proficiency in oral English is essential for various purposes, including social interactions, academic pursuits, professional settings, and everyday communication. It involves the mastery of not only linguistic elements but also non-verbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions, which contribute to effective communication. Developing oral English skills requires practice, exposure to authentic language input, and a focus on both receptive (listening) and productive (speaking) abilities. It involves developing the ability to comprehend spoken English from different accents and styles, adapting to various conversational contexts, and employing appropriate language structures and strategies to convey meaning accurately and appropriately.

The nature of oral English in senior secondary schools is dynamic. First, oral English focuses on developing students’ speaking and listening skills in authentic communicative contexts. Students engage in various activities such as discussions, debates, presentations, role-plays, and group projects, which require them to express their ideas, opinions, and arguments orally. These activities foster their ability to communicate fluently, coherently, and confidently in English. Again, oral English in senior secondary schools emphasizes both accuracy and fluency. While fluency is crucial for effective communication, students also receive guidance and feedback on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and intonation to enhance their language accuracy (Adeoye, 2018). The aim is to strike a balance between fluency and accuracy, enabling students to communicate their ideas articulately while using correct language structures and appropriate pronunciation. In addition, oral English in senior secondary schools encourages critical thinking and analytical skills. Students are encouraged to analyze and evaluate information, express opinions, and engage in meaningful discussions. They learn to consider multiple perspectives, support their viewpoints with evidence, and engage in respectful and constructive debates. This cultivates their ability to think critically, present reasoned arguments, and develop their own voice in English. Again, oral English in senior secondary schools promotes cultural awareness and intercultural competence. Through discussions of different topics, exposure to diverse viewpoints, and exploration of cultural themes, students develop an understanding and appreciation of different cultures, fostering empathy and respect for others.

The importance of oral English in secondary school cannot be overstated. It serves as a fundamental pillar in developing students’ language skills and preparing them for future academic and professional endeavors. Firstly, oral English enables students to express themselves confidently and articulately, fostering self-confidence and boosting their overall communication skills. Through engaging in conversations and discussions, students learn to organize their thoughts, formulate coherent arguments, and present their ideas effectively. This ability to express oneself eloquently is invaluable in various subjects, including literature, social sciences, and even science subjects that require presentations and group discussions. In another vein, oral English enhances students’ listening skills, enabling them to understand and comprehend spoken English in different contexts, accents, and styles (Akande, 2018). This skill is fundamental for academic success as students engage in classroom discussions, participate in group work, and interact with teachers and peers. Furthermore, oral English promotes critical thinking and analytical skills as students learn to actively listen, question, and respond to others’ viewpoints, fostering a culture of intellectual discourse and open-mindedness. Moreover, oral English facilitates the development of interpersonal skills, teamwork, and collaboration as students learn to negotiate, cooperate, and build relationships through effective communication. These skills are transferable to future careers, where collaboration and effective communication are highly valued. Lastly, oral English cultivates cultural awareness and sensitivity as students engage in discussions that expose them to diverse perspectives, fostering an understanding and appreciation of different cultures, beliefs, and values. In a globalized world, such intercultural competence is vital for fostering empathy, tolerance, and open-mindedness.

The teaching and learning of oral English in secondary school can present several challenges. First of all, limited exposure to authentic English-speaking environments can hinder students’ progress in developing natural and fluent spoken English. Without regular opportunities to interact with native or proficient English speakers, students may struggle to acquire proper pronunciation, intonation, and idiomatic expressions (Ogunnaike, 2019). Furthermore, large class sizes and time constraints can limit individual speaking practice and personalized feedback. Teachers may find it challenging to provide sufficient speaking opportunities for each student and address their specific needs and weaknesses. In another development, the fear of making mistakes and being judged by peers can create a stressful environment that hampers students’ willingness to engage in oral English activities. This fear of speaking, known as “language anxiety,” can significantly impede students’ progress and confidence in expressing themselves orally. Moreover, the lack of integration of oral English instruction across the curriculum may result in a limited focus on spoken skills, with more emphasis placed on written assessments and examinations. This can lead to a neglect of oral fluency and communication skills, which are essential for real-world situations. Furthermore, Idris (2011) postulated that the availability of resources and technology can pose challenges in providing interactive and engaging oral English lessons. Limited access to audiovisual materials, language labs, or digital tools may hinder the incorporation of authentic listening and speaking activities into the curriculum. Lastly, the absence of adequate teacher training and professional development in oral English instruction can affect the quality of teaching. Teachers may struggle with designing effective speaking tasks, providing accurate feedback, and addressing individual student needs.

The task-based approach is an instructional method that places tasks at the center of language teaching and learning. It shifts the focus from the traditional emphasis on discrete language elements to the use of language in meaningful, real-world contexts. In the task-based approach, students engage in purposeful and authentic tasks that simulate situations they may encounter outside the classroom. To Oyedele (2020) these tasks can range from problem-solving activities, role-plays, debates, or projects that require students to use the target language to achieve a specific goal. The approach emphasizes communication, collaboration, and active participation, encouraging students to negotiate meaning, express opinions, and work together to complete the task. The tasks are designed to be challenging yet achievable, allowing students to develop their language skills while engaging in meaningful interactions. The task-based approach promotes learner autonomy as students take responsibility for their learning, make decisions, and reflect on their progress. According to Okon (2018) it also provides opportunities for form-focused instruction, where learners receive feedback and guidance on language use in the context of the task. Through this approach, students develop not only linguistic competence but also critical thinking, problem-solving, and social skills. The task-based approach recognizes the importance of language as a tool for communication and seeks to create a learner-centered and interactive environment that reflects real-life language use.

The task-based approach has a significant impact on the achievement of senior secondary school students in oral English. To begin with, the approach provides students with authentic and purposeful language use opportunities, allowing them to apply their knowledge and skills in real-life contexts. According to Ajayi (2017) engaging in meaningful tasks, such as debates, presentations, or group discussions enables students get motivated to actively participate and communicate in English. This active engagement fosters their oral fluency, confidence, and competence in expressing their ideas and opinions. Moreso, the task-based approach promotes interactive and collaborative learning environments. Through tasks that require cooperation and negotiation of meaning, students develop their interpersonal and teamwork skills. They learn to listen actively, respond appropriately, and engage in meaningful exchanges with their peers. This collaborative aspect not only enhances their communication skills but also cultivates a supportive and inclusive classroom culture. Going further, Collins (2015) asserted that the task-based approach encourages learners to take ownership of their learning process. By setting goals, making decisions, and reflecting on their performance, students develop autonomy and become more self-directed learners. This self-regulation empowers them to identify their strengths and areas for improvement and take initiative in seeking feedback and further language development opportunities. Additionally, the task-based approach allows for form-focused instruction within the context of the task. Teachers can provide targeted feedback on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and pragmatics, helping students refine their language use and accuracy. This integrated approach to language instruction ensures that students not only focus on fluency but also develop a solid foundation in the linguistic aspects of oral English.

It is in line with the above discussion that this study seeks to determine the impact of task-based approach on the achievement of students in oral English in senior secondary schools in Pankshin Local Government Area


Students in senior secondary schools are supposed to demonstrate high levels of achievement in oral English. Students should possess strong speaking and listening skills, be able to articulate their thoughts and ideas effectively, engage in meaningful conversations, and confidently express themselves in English.

However, the current situation reveals that students in senior secondary schools in Pankshin Local Government Area are struggling with their achievement in oral English. Many students lack the necessary skills and confidence to communicate fluently and express their ideas coherently in English. They often struggle with pronunciation, vocabulary usage, grammar, and organizing their thoughts during oral presentations and discussions.

To address this problem, various teaching methods have been employed in the classroom. Traditional approaches, such as lecture-based instruction and grammar-focused lessons, have been utilized to teach oral English. However, these methods have proven to be insufficient in improving students’ oral proficiency and achieving the desired outcomes.

Despite the implementation of these teaching methods, students’ achievement in oral English continues to be unsatisfactory. The current approaches have not effectively addressed the specific needs of students in Pankshin Local Government Area, resulting in persistent challenges in oral communication.

The low achievement in oral English has a detrimental impact on students’ overall language proficiency and communication skills. Students who struggle with oral English may find it difficult to participate actively in classroom discussions, engage in effective group work, and express their ideas confidently during presentations and interviews. This can hinder their academic performance, limit their opportunities for higher education, and adversely affect their future career prospects.

There is a pressing need to identify effective instructional approaches that can improve students’ achievement in oral English and address the persistent problem in senior secondary schools. By exploring alternative methods that focus on enhancing students’ oral communication skills, it is possible to provide them with the necessary tools and strategies to succeed academically and professionally.

While various teaching methods have been implemented, the impact of a task-based approach specifically on students’ achievement in oral English in this context remains unexplored. The effectiveness of a task-based approach, which emphasizes communication and interaction through meaningful tasks and real-life scenarios, has not been thoroughly investigated in the specific context of Pankshin Local Government Area. Thus, there is a gap in knowledge regarding the potential benefits and outcomes of implementing a task-based approach in improving students’ oral English proficiency.

Therefore, this research aims to investigate the impact of a task-based approach on the achievement of students in oral English in senior secondary schools in Pankshin Local Government Area. By examining the effectiveness of this approach, the study seeks to provide valuable insights and recommendations to enhance the teaching and learning of oral English in the region. Through this research, it is hoped that educators and policymakers can implement evidence-based strategies to improve students’ oral English skills, foster effective communication, and empower students to confidently express themselves in English.


The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of a task-based approach on the achievement of students in oral English in senior secondary schools in Pankshin Local Government Area. The specific objectives of the study are to:

  1. Determine the effect of a task-based approach on students’ performance in stress patterns.
  2. Assess the impact of a task-based approach on students’ performance in intonation.

iii. Examine the influence of a task-based approach on students’ performance in consonant sounds.

  1. Investigate the effect of a task-based approach on students’ performance in vowel sounds.


The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:

  1. What are the effects of a task-based approach on students’ performance in stress patterns?
  2. How does a task-based approach impact students’ performance in intonation?

iii. What is the influence of a task-based approach on students’ performance in consonant sounds?

  1. What is the effect of a task-based approach on students’ performance in vowel sounds?


The following null hypothesis will be tested at 0.05 level of significance using t-test statistical tool:

H0: There is no significant difference in the performance of students who receive instruction using a task-based approach and those who receive instruction using a conventional method in oral English.

Ha: There is a significant difference in the performance of students who receive instruction using a task-based approach and those who receive instruction using a conventional method in oral English.


This study will have several implications and benefits for various stakeholders in the education sector, including students, teachers, school administrators, policy makers, parents, and the government:

  1. Students will benefit from the findings of this study as it will provide insights into the effectiveness of the task-based approach in improving their oral English skills. If the study demonstrates positive effects, students can experience enhanced performance in stress patterns, intonation, consonant sounds, and vowel sounds, which are crucial aspects of oral communication.
  2. Teachers will gain valuable insights and strategies from this study, as it will provide evidence-based guidance on the use of the task-based approach in teaching oral English. This can lead to more effective instructional practices, increased student engagement, and improved learning outcomes.

iii. School administrators can utilize the findings of this study to make informed decisions regarding curriculum development and instructional approaches in oral English. The task-based approach, if found effective, can be integrated into the school’s teaching practices, thereby enhancing overall educational quality. This can be made possible when they come in contact with it in the school library or in the hands of the researcher.

  1. Policy makers in the education sector can benefit from this study by using the findings to inform policy decisions related to curriculum design, teacher training, and educational resource allocation. Evidence of the effectiveness of the task-based approach can contribute to the formulation of evidence-based policies that promote improved oral English instruction.
  2. Parents will gain insights into effective instructional approaches for oral English through this study. They can support their children’s learning by encouraging the use of task-based strategies at home and collaborating with teachers to foster a conducive learning environment.
  3. This study can serve as a foundation for future research on task-based approaches in oral English instruction. Researchers can build upon the findings, explore related questions, and investigate the effectiveness of the task-based approach in different educational contexts.

vii. The community at large can benefit from this study if the implementation of the task-based approach leads to improved oral English proficiency among students. Enhanced oral communication skills can foster effective interactions within the community and potentially contribute to societal and economic development.

To publish or publicize the report and enable stakeholders to assess it, the researcher can consider the following strategies: Submitting the research report to relevant academic journals in the field of English education can ensure its dissemination among researchers, educators, and policymakers. Choose reputable journals with a focus on inclusive education, special needs, or related areas. Again, presenting the study findings at conferences, seminars, or workshops can reach a wide audience of educators, researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders. This allows for direct engagement, feedback, and discussion. Furthermore, share the report with professional associations and organizations working in the field pedagogy. They may be interested in featuring the study on their websites, newsletters, or publications, reaching their members and wider networks. The researcher will utilize online platforms to disseminate the report widely. Create a dedicated webpage or blog post summarizing the key findings and recommendations, and share it through social media channels. Additionally, consider submitting the report to online repositories or databases for educational research.


This study will focus on the impact of a task-based approach on the achievement of students in oral English in senior secondary schools in Pankshin Local Government Area. The study will specifically examine the effects of the task-based approach on students’ performance in stress patterns, intonation, consonant sounds, and vowel sounds. However, the study has certain limitations. It will be limited to senior secondary schools in Pankshin Local Government Area, excluding schools outside this area. The research will solely concentrate on the task-based approach and its effects on oral English, disregarding other instructional methods or factors that may influence students’ oral English skills.

  • Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview Table of contents, abstract and chapter 1 below

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