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  • Background to the Study

Technology is a systematic way of doing things by applying scientific and other organized forms of knowledge in the solution of problems for the improvement of society. Relating technology to education, two concepts emerged according to Olowu (2005), technology in education and technology of education. He defines technology in education as the application of technology to all the processes which support education within institutions. It involves the use of teaching, machine, or audio-visual aids to enrich teaching functions. The technology of education deals with methodology. This is characterized by the adoption of a systematic or process approach to instruction based on clearly stated learning objectives. Ogunrati (2005) described educational technology as a principle and method which brings together men and resources in a systematic bid to effectively resolve educational problems. Ademoyin (2005) who perceived educational technology as a systematic organization of men, machine, ideas and procedures in designing, planning, implementing and evaluating the teaching and learning process in a bid to promote effective learning through a meaningful teaching. Olawale (2013) stated that the use of technology based materials as instructional materials in the teaching learning process could best be grouped into three forms: audio, visual and audio-visual aids. The audio deals with sound only, the visual deals with sight (that is seeing only) and audio-visual combines both audio and visual i.e. sound and vision) for instance: audio include such things as radio, record players cassettes gramophone. The materials aid teaching through the sense of hearing. They can be used in teaching of so many topics in a subject to aid efficiency in teaching and learning process in Adult Learning Centres. Visual category consists of maps, film steps, specimen, picture charts, blackboard, posters etc. This category appeals to the adult Learners through the sense of sight. Until facts and instructions are presented in form of visual aid,   adult Learners in Adult Learning Centres may not readily grasp the meaning of ideas, concepts and facts which are likely to be perceived as abstract by the learners. Audio-visual is the group that consists of a combination of both audio and visual materials. They are therefore materials like television, films and projector, the use of these, aids learning greatly (Olawale, 2013).

According to Igbojinwaekwu (2013) instructional materials are broad ranges of resources, which can be used to facilitate effective and efficient communication. One of such instructional materials is the audio-visual material. Audio-visual material is a type of instructional material that aids in making ideas or concepts clearer in instructional programmes, but should not be regarded as a substitute for good teaching (Moronkola, 2012). Gbodi and Laleye (2006) posited that videotaped recorder is an audio-visual material useful for programming instruction on topics that are abstract and difficult to explain verbally. Audio-visual aids are most effective tools for developing flawless communication and interaction between adult Learner and content as well as adult Learner and instructor. These aids not only help to save the instructor’s time but also help in developing and arousing curiosity, creativity and motivation. It emphasizes on the comprehension of knowledge and concept as well as keeps working on developing sound foundations for higher and further studies. According to Anzaku (2011), the term audio-visual materials is commonly used to refer to those instructional materials that may be used to convey meaning without complete dependence upon verbal symbols or language. Visual aids are any devices which can be used to make the learning experience more real, more accurate and more active. Visual aids are tools that help to make an issue or lesson clearer or easier to understand and know (pictures, models, charts, maps, videos, slides, real objects etc.). Mkpa (2003) opined that people remember ten percent of what they hear, twenty percent of what they see, twenty percent of what they do, and fifty percent of what they hear, see and do, hence, management of learning resources is paramount in teaching and learning. Before modern education was incorporated, adult Learners were passive listeners and instructors were autonomous body who knew what, when and how of education. But in recent years the superiority is shifted towards adult Learners. Use of audio-visual aids is preferred as they are considered as 85% of the whole teaching (Jadal, 2011). They keep the individual learner focused on what is being taught by the instructor in the classroom session. Human beings’ five senses are the doorway for effective learning, especially seeing, hearing and touching brings maximum knowledge for the individual. It was established that people remember, 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they read, 80% of what they see and do (Lester, 2012). Instructors should be aware that adult Learners learn in different ways and have different ways of absorbing information and of demonstrating their knowledge during   class (Tamakloe, Atta & Amedahe, 2005).   instructors should employ a variety of teaching strategies and methods to ensure that learners have equal opportunities to learn. New methods and techniques evolve almost every day to supplement existing ones in teaching. Notable among them is technology supported ones. Kochlar (2004) observed that more recently technology and most especially audio visual aids has been successfully introduced in the field of education in general and   in particular to make the subject in Adult Learning Centres more productive and more individual. Most significantly, it has converted a common phenomenon to integrate textbooks with audio visual aids as additional or supplementary resource for classroom setting learning activities.

It is with the above discussion in mind that this study seeks to investigate the impacts of audio-visual instructional materials in teaching and learning in adult learning centres in Pankshin Local Government Area of Plateau State.

  • Statement of the Problem

The use of Audio Visual Materials in the teaching and learning in adult learning centres has so many benefits to both adult Learners and instructors.However, it was observed by the researcher that in Pankshin local government area of Plateau State, that despite all the benefits that can be derived from the use of audio visual aids, less attention has been paid to it in adult education centres. This is as a result of non availability of audio-visual materials, lack of qualified instructors who can operate and make effective use of these few available aids and negligence of using this audio-visual aid by instructors. Therefore, it is against this background that the researcher writes to ascertain the impact of audio-visual aids in teaching in Adult Learning Centres in Pankshin local government area of Plateau State, Nigeria.



  • Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to carry out an assessment on the impact of audio-visual aids in the teaching and learning of adults in Adult Learning Centres in Pankshin Local Government Area of Plateau State. Specifically, the objectives of the study are to:

  1. Determine the impact of audio-visual instructional materials in teaching adult learners in adult education centres in Pankshin Local Government Area.
  2. Evaluate the extent to which audio-visual materials are available in adult education learning centres in Pankshin Local Government Area.
  3. Find out the challenges confronting the use of audio-visual materials in adult education learning centres in Pankshin Local Government Area.

1.4. Research Questions

            In order for the researcher to have a sense of guide, the following research questions have been formulated:

  1. What are the impacts of audio-visual instructional materials in teaching adult learners in adult education learning centres in Pankshin Local Government Area?
  2. To what extent are audio-visual materials available in adult education learning centres in Pankshin Local Government Area?
  3. What are the challenges confronting the use of audio-visual materials in adult education learning centres in Pankshin Local Government Area?

1.5. Research Hypotheses

            The following research hypotheses were formulated:

H0: There is no impact of audio-visual instructional materials in teaching adult learners in adult education learning centres in Pankshin Local Government Area.

H0: Audio-visual materials are not available in adult education learning centres in Pankshin Local Government Area.

H0:There are no challenges confronting the use of audio-visual materials in adult education learning centres in Pankshin Local Government Area.

  • Significance of the Study

The study will invariably be of tremendous importance to adult Learners, instructors and researchers accordingly in Pankshin Local Government Area and Plateau State at large.

The study will serve as reference to instructors and other researchers who wish to find out the impact of audio-visual aids (video-show) on adult Learners academic achievement particularly in Adult Education Learning Centres.

It will also highlight the appropriate materials of teaching in adult learning centres which will bring about adult Learners’ interest and active participation in the subject.

The work will enable the instructors to understand that the success of any teaching-learning activity is determined by how much the adult Learners are able to learn or gain from teaching. This can be achieved through the use of appropriate audio-visual aids.

The study will also be helpful to government and nongovernmental agencies to help supply instructional materials in all the adult education centres in Pankshin and other local governments in the state and the nation at large.


  • Delimitation of the Study

The study is delimited to impact of audio-visual instructional materials in teaching and learningin Adult Education Centres in Pankshin LGA, Plateau State.It is also limited to all the instructors, facilitators and the adult learners in all adult learning centres in Pankshin Local Government.

  • Operational Definition of Terms

Audio-visual: Audiovisual is electronic media possessing both a sound and visual component, such as slide tape presentations, films, television programs, corporate conferencing, church services and live theater productions.

Teaching: is an instruction or delivering or imparting a particular skill or subject or something that someone tells you to do. For Teaching in this case may refer to showing or explaining to an adult Learner how to do something or acquire a skill.




  • Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview Table of contents, abstract and chapter 1 below

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