TITLE PAGE ………………………………………………………………i
DECLARATION PAGE ..……………………………………………..ii
APPROVAL PAGE ………………………………………………..…..iii
DEDICATION ……….…..…………………………………..………..iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……………………………………………..v
1.1. Background of the study ………………………………………..1-2
1.2. Statement of the problem ………………………………………2
1.3. Purpose of the study ……………………….………………..….2-3
1.4. Research question ………………………………………………..3
1.5. Significance of the study ………………………..………………3-4
1.6. Scope an limitation of the study …………………………….….4
1.7. Operation definition of term ……………………………….……4
2.1. Family Living…………………………………………………..5
2.2. Concept of resources ……………………………..…………….6-7
2.3. Concept of needs …………………………………..…………..7
2.4. Family resources management ………………………………..7-9
2.5. Factors that affect family needs and resources management.…9-18
2.6. Summary of the Literature Review ……………………………18
3.1. The design of the study ……………………………………….19
3.2. Area of the study …………………………………………..…19-20
3.3. Population of the study ………………………………………20-21
3.4. Instrument for the data collection ….…………………………22
3.5. Method of data collection ……………………………………22
3.6. Method of data analysis ………………………………………22
4.1. Statistical Data analysis of the discussion of result………….23-36
4.2. Major finding ………………………………………………..36
4.3. Discussion based on finding…………………………………36-38
5.1. Summary ……………………………………………………..39
5.2. Conclusion ……………………………………………………39-40
5.3. Recommendation ………………………………………….…40
Appendix ……………………………………………………..41-42
References ……………………………………………………43-44
This research was designed to examine, the factors that affect the family needs and resources management in Montol District Mikang LGA. The purpose of this study is to find out; why some family needs are not met, some of the factors that affects family need and resources management in Montol District, and to provide solution to those factors that affect family needs and resources management. The design of the study was survey research. To carry out the study, research questions were formulated and questionnaires were set and administered to one hundred and sixty (160) respondents from the selected villages. The Measure of Central Tendency was used to compute the mean (x). The population of the study is one hundred and sixty (160) respondents comprise both males and females. The finding of the study at the end show that, many factors affects family needs and resources management in Montol district of Mikang L.G.A, some of those factors are, Size of income in the family, Socio-economic status, Occupation. The researcher concluded that, the home-maker should be aware of the facts that they have a great role on how to manage resources within their family and that all members of the family should be contributing to the welfare of the family, each member should be gainfully employed to earn a living. Some recommendations were made which include: that the available resources in the family should be properly managed to help members of the family get what they need, families should not attached great importance to burial and funeral ceremonies because it consumes a lot of resources and leaves the family in want.
1.1 Background of the study
Family is a social unit in the society which can be defined as two or more individuals living together in the same house or shelter, who are related to each other by marriage or by blood or by adoption process.
Every family wants to lead a peaceful and fulfilling life. family members have a various needs, each family member want to get food, clothes, education, good medication and good house for comfortable living, but all these things are affected by how resources available in the family are used by the family members. Sometimes the resources are poorly managed and affected by some factors within the family or environment.
In a family, resource management is very important, because it can help to cater for almost every member of a family to meet up his/her needs.
Resources management is the effective and efficient use of all available resources (human and materials) to meet the needs of family member Daniel and Silas (2015). The resources available in the families should be properly managed or used so that members of the family can get what they need. It can begin with thinking planning and with the evaluation of action taken.
Daniel and Silas (2015) stated that management of resources involve decision making, planning or organizing, controlling, implementing and evaluating the use of the resources, that when the mentioned are put into consideration the management of resources will be easy.
In many families in Nigeria today the available resources are affected by some factors, such as, size of income, socio-economic status, occupation, gainful employment of the home maker, size and composition of the family, motivation attitude, education, family heritage and cultural background, location of the family and health.
The aim of this project is to find out those factors that affect family needs and resources management in Montol District.
Finally a detail discussion and analysis will be made to see whether there are factors that affect family needs and resource management in Montol district.
1.2 Statement of the problem
Among the people of Montol District, the needs of the family members are not properly meet by the home-maker. Most family members find it difficult to meet up their needs such as food, shelter, clothes, education, health service etc which are considered as the basic needs. The available resources are poorly managed, because there are many factors that affect the use of the resources, family at times use their resources in what is not the need of the family members.
Any family that is able to manage their resources well can provide almost all the needs of her members without much problem because they can take decision, plan, organize, control, implement and evaluate.
Many families are not aware of those factors that affect their needs and resource management, the aim here is to investigate and bring out those factors and suggest solution to the factors so as to help families to manage their resources well to meet the needs of the family members adequately.
1.3 Purpose of the study
The purpose of this study includes:
i. To find out why some family needs are not met
ii. To find out factors that affects family needs and resources management in Montol District.
iii. To find out how each factor affect the needs of family members in Montol District.
iv. To provide solution to factors that affect family needs and resource management.
1.4 Research questions
The researcher posed the following questions to enable her find answers to the problem.
i. Do family members find it difficult in meeting their need?
ii. What factors affect family needs and resource management in Montol District?
iii. Does each factor affect the needs of family members differently in Montol District?
iv. What are the solutions to those factors that affect family needs and resource management?
1.5 Significance of the study
This study will be of great benefit to the following:
The research work will bring to light reasons behind the inability to meet the needs of family members especially in Montol district of Mikang L.G.A.
The research work will help many married couples on how to manage resource in the family.
This research will be useful to all teachers of Home Economics department in training of their students.
The research work may also be very important to other researchers who may like to work on related topics.
It will also serve as a research document for researchers in various fields of learning.
1.6 Scope and limitation of the study
The research work essentially revolves round the factors that affects family needs and resource management in Montol district of Mikang LGA. The researcher cannot however cover all the villages in Montol district due to the short time allocated to the research work and because of the terrain and distance of the research area and financial constraint that the researcher may face in the cause of gathering information.
Based on the mentioned facts listed, the researcher is only considering Ten (10 major villages out of the twenty four (24), the ten (10) villages will be randomly selected.
1.7 Operational definition of terms
Montol: This is group of people living in Mikang LGA of Plateau state
Montol District: is a district dominated purely by Montol people in Mikang LGA.
- Format: ms-word (doc)
- Chapter 1 to 5
- With abstract reference and questionnaire
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