1.1. Introduction
Religion is such a prominent feature in human society that cannot simply be ignored, even by the skeptics, agnostics or the atheists. That is to say that religion is so great and permanent element in human experience to be swept out of sight. There is no other phenomenon which moulds and controls man’s life as much as religion does. Men have given up not only their possessions but even their lives for their religious beliefs. Man born into wealth and destined to inherit wealth have renounced wealth and turned themselves into beggars for their religious beliefs.
The word religion is derived from the Latin words “Religare” meaning bind, “relegare” meaning relationship. The etymology of the word “religion” thus shows that religion is essentially a relationship between two persons, namely, human persons and divine persons that believe to have existed.
Torkwambe (2001) sees religion as an encounter between man and a transcendent deity conceived as a personal being, capable of communication with man, a dialogical relationship follows this encounter. The religious man engages in many activities with transcendent personal being (deity).
According to the memory Webster New International Dictionary, “Religion is the outward act or form by which man indicate their recognition of the existence of supernatural power over their destiny to whom obedience, service and honour are due, the feeling or expression of human love, fear or rather aware of some super human over ruling power, whether by profession or belief, by observance of life, and ceremonies or by the conduct of life.
What then is religion? Religion can be seen as a belief in the existence of God or gods, especially the belief that “they (God or gods) created the universe and gave human beings a spiritual nature which continues to exist after death.
Religion has ended social progress, educational developments, interpersonal and international cooperation as well as mutual understanding among people, on the other hand, religion has also been the underlying force behind conflicts, civil as well as international wars, social stagnation or even retrogression, oppression, discrimination. If religion is truly the existence of God or gods, then does God or gods encourage violence? That is what the researchers want to find out.
1.2. Background of the Study
Religious crisis’ effect on the education of children in Plateau State, to be precise in Riyom Local Government Area is not a new thing. It is a phenomenon that happens on a daily basis. If it does not manifest in physical destruction of lives and properties, it happens in form of cold war. This kind of experience is seen between the adherents of both Christianity and Islam which are recognized as the two major religions in the country. There is always tension between the adherents of these two religions.
Religious crisis or conflict has a factor which has seriously affected our country, Nigeria in all spheres of life be it educational, economical, political and even socio-cultural which seems to hinder the development of education in our society.
Religious crisis have led to the destruction of lives and valuable properties, it has caused division among societies. Religion which is supposed to be a tool for unity, peace and harmony has turned out to be a tool for disunity and violence in our society that is what the researchers want to find out. According to Vishugh (1996) in Jos Bulletin of Religion said that “the Nigerian experience is a plan to fashion the society according to Islamic principles (reasons for the agitation of Sharia Law at all levels in Judicial system in Nigeria). The government has to be Islamic, this was one of the reasons of smuggling of Federal Republic of Nigeria into the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) secretly by the regime headed by General Ibrahim Babangida. Since then, other religious adherents have been living in suspicion and fear, what usually happens is clash between these religious groups. Ishaya and Choji in their paper presentation at the National Conference of School of Arts and Social Sciences, FCE Katsina in July 1998 enumerated the religious crisis in Nigeria as at that time to include:
i. The maitasine riot in Kano in 1982
ii. The Kaduna and Maiduguri episode in 1982
iii. The Jama’a Situation in 1984
iv. The Gombe religious crisis in 1985
v. The Katsina Episode in 1991 and host of others.
These crises, made serious destruction to lives and properties. It is indeed without doubt that these crises left the Nigerian society with lack of security and lack of peace. By this, the idea of development in a society where there is no peace and no security becomes difficult, if not impossible. In the same paper, Ishaya and Choji highlighted on some of the clashes between the two religious adherents that resulted to the destruction of lives and properties to include:
a. The March 6th 1987 Kafanchan religious clash in Kaduna state.
b. The June 1990 religious riot among secondary school students in Bauchi State.
c. The April 19th – 25th 1991 Tafawa Balewa religious crisis that left serious destruction of valuable properties and left many people suffering. The effects of the socio-religious clash to mention but a few. These include:
d. Presented to us the picture of insecurity and lack of peace in Nigeria, it is because of this ugly situation that the researchers were moved to ask fundamental questions like: can there be development in Nigerian education in the midst of these uncertainties, insecurity and lack of peace?
Religious crises have become a cankerworm in our society today, it has often resulted in rampage, hurting and massacre of innocent people. It caused instability, disunity and insecurity to the country. It has caused division in our society today. People of these two religions see themselves as enemies. In the true sense, religion which is supposed to bring people together, has turned into something that keeps people apart. And if we are separated from each other, how can we achieve the goal and aims of our societies? It is said that united we stand, divided we fall. If we are divided, we can never achieve the goal and aims of our societies.
1.3. Statement of the Problem
Religious crisis have become a serious problem. It has seriously affect the development of education in Nigeria and the society. It has caused division in our society and has brought our country to a lower standard or esteem. The concern of the researchers is to find out whether these constant religious upheavals have any effect on the development of Plateau State in terms of education and if at the end discover that there are effect, the researchers will recommend ways out. The major questions in this research are as follows:
i. Are there possible ways that can be adopted to prevent religious crises in our society and Riyom in Particular?
ii. In what ways have crises in Riyom Local Government help in the development of education of the children?
iii. Can religious crises in Riyom help in development of education in Nigeria or Plateau State with particular reference to Riyom?
1.4. Purpose of the Study
the purpose or objectives of this study is to design and to make findings or investigation into the causes and effects of religious crisis on the children’s education in Riyom Local government of Plateau State and to come out with some ways or suggestions on how religious can be prevented and finaly, recommend ways for religious tolerance among these different religious groups in order to enhance effective education of the child.
1.5. Research Questions
In order to carry out a successful work, the following questions are presented:
i. What is the effect of religious crises on the development of children education?
ii. Are there ways we can bring about religious tolerance in our educational system?
iii. Can the way religions are taught in pre-primary, primary and post-primary serve as agent for religious crises in the society?
iv. Are there solutions we can proffer in order to avert these crises?
v. In what ways do government encourage religious crises?
1.6. Scope of the Study
The researcher centered their findings in Riyom district, Bachi district and Ganawuri district. All the above mentioned areas are occupied by Berom and Eten who are the popularity and first people of the land. Though they are surrounded by the Fulani tribes who are accused of culprit of the clashes in the areas.
1.7. Definition of Terms
1. Effect – A change that somebody or something causes in somebody or something else.
2. Religion – The belief in the existence of God or gods, and the activities that are connected with the worship of them.
3. Crises – A time of great difficulty and danger even calamities.
4. Education – A process of teaching, training and learning especially in school or colleges, to improve knowledge and develop skills.
5. Children – A young human who is not yet an adult.
6. Diversity – The state of being varied, diversity of opinions. Measures to protect biological diversity.
7. Tourism – A business/natural sites, sight and sound when making leisure and holidays of all visitations.
8. Ethnicity – The practices of killing of driving out of an area, the people of a particular race by those of another.
9. Geo-Political Zones – It is the study of law, politics is affected by geographical perspectives.
10. Amusement – Things that makes time pass pleasantly.
11. Refugee – A person who has been forced, have to leave his or her home country for political or religious reasons.
12. Destruction – Things been damaged by war or crises.
13. Phenomenon – A fact or an even especially in nature or society
14. Supreme Being – The higher authority that is above all (sovereign)
15. Conflict – (Between A and B) a serious disagreement, along and a bitter misunderstanding between workers and employers.
16. Bloodshed – The killing of people
17. Violence – Using of showing actions accompanied by great force.
18. Skirmishes – A fight between small group of soldiers.
19. Dagger – Fighting.
20. Law Enforcement – Policemen.
21. Anthropological – The studies of human race especially towards their origins, development, customs and beliefs.
22. Myopism – Inability to consider or plan for the future
23. Perpetrator – A person who commits a crime of does considered wrong.
24. Installing – To crown up with a title (a new position of authority)
25. Slums – A treat of old building in a poor and dirty condition often crowded with people of different attitudes.
26. Intimidation – Give ways to frightening or to witness silence by threatening.
27. Scenarios – An imagined sequence of future events.
28. Enraged – To make one very angry.
29. Aliens – A person who is not indigene of the country or given society.
30. Clamouring – A loud demand or protest a for revenge.
31. Fanatic – A person who is too enthusiastic about a religion or politics
32. Elites – A group of people considered to be the best or most important because of their power, talent, wealth or a member of the ruling intellectual elite.
33. Abode – A house, a home, one’s place of residence
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