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1.1       Background to the Study

The influence of instructional materials in promoting pupils’ teaching and learning in educational development is indisputable. At every level of instruction, pupils must experience some sort of simulation. According to Adekunle (2008), a social studies instructional tool is anything that can help the teacher advance teaching and learning. When children with hearing impairments are given the opportunity to learn through many senses, they can learn more quickly and easily. Since they encourage pupils to learn more, instructional materials offer teachers engaging and compelling venues for sharing knowledge. Also, the instructor is supported in overcoming physical challenges that would have prevented him from effectively presenting a particular topic.

Social studies was introduced into the Nigerian school system to achieve one of the philosophies of Nigerian education as indicated in the National Policy on Education which is “the development of the individual into a sound and effective citizen” (FGN, 2004). The realization of this objective through Social studies is possible since the subject is an integrated programme which are taught and learnt in Social studies looks at all aspects of the life of the child in the society. It is further stated in the National Policy on Education (2004) that education is to achieve the inculcation of national consciousness and national unity; the inculcation of the right type of values and attitudes for the survival of the individual and the Nigerian society. Therefore, Social Studies teaching has been a factor in determining whether a society will have democratic attitudes, values, problem-solving and decision-making skills and whether the society will consist of productive and participatory individuals (Ozturk and Otluoglu, 2002; Keeler, 2008). In Social Studies teaching, which is given such an important mission; it is possible to make the learning process easy, enduring and meaningful through the use of instructional materials.

Orakwe (2000) refers to instructional materials as information repositories from the society sourced to transfer the desired information to the learners during classroom instruction. Agwu (2001) views Instructional Materials as those apparatus of teaching which may include textbooks, workbooks, charts, audio visual aids, chemicals, specimens and other relevant things that will attract pupils’ attention, and which should only be introduced at the appropriate time by the teacher. Instructional materials are software and hardware that are used to make lessons more meaningful and clearer to learners. They are devises that appeal to multi model senses which help the learners conceive, perceive, internalize, interpret and transfer the experiences gained to similar or different learning situations. These materials and equipment, could be those that appeal to the sense of hearing-known as audio material/ equipment those of seeing called visual materials/equipment and those that combine the two senses called audio-visual materials.

Hearing Impaired (HI) learners especially those who are deaf and dumb have been a subject of educational attention for many years. In fact, systematic teaching of the hearing impaired is adversely affected by prejudice from hearing educators and parents who believed that deaf and dumb children are either incapable of learning or have serious limitations to their potential because of their deafness and lack of or distorted speech. Fortunately, a number of studies show that these prejudices are unfounded (Marschark, 2003). Hearing impairment is one of the disabilities that can affect pupils’ abilities to learn Social Studies, and understanding these issues is essential to helping pupils overcome them. For a child, hearing is an essential tool of learning, playing, and developing social skills therefore hearing loss can significantly affect his/her life. Hearing impairment can make it difficult for a child to do well in school for many reasons. Hearing impaired children might attend special schools, regular schools with special education classes, or regular schools with regular classes depending on the child’s needs and the severity of their impairments. Among the hearing impaired, other disabilities are more likely to be found than within the hearing population. It can be difficult to identify additional learning disabilities because being hearing impaired has itself its own learning disability often causing a child to have delayed language acquisition, which in turn delays academic skills.

Instructional materials are meant to improve the quality of education for effective learning of pupils with hearing impairment in schools. The performance of the pupils on the intended learning outcome provide the validation – loop on the success other interaction and instruction (Bakare1986). In making use of any instructional materials factors that influence it must be considered, such materials must be previewed that is, having full knowledge of the material; prepare the environment where it will be used; prepare audience by means of making sure that the materials to be used will attract attention, arouse, motivate and provide the rationale that could be used in the beginning, middle or end. The effectiveness of utilizing appropriate instructional materials in teaching and learning of Social Studies for pupils with hearing impairment is not void of quality instructor. In order to give quality education to the younger generation, there is need for employment of more competent, experienced and qualified Social Studies teachers. The need to identify the suitable instructional materials, by which pupils with hearing impairment can be made to comprehend the extent of the subject easily and intelligibly, is the focus of this study. The broad aim of any good training materials are to induce and support the learning process that leads to improve on-the-job performance through affecting changes in the knowledge, attitudes, skills and practices of the learners. With the above reasons, it is worth investigating the effect of instructional materials in the teaching and learning of Social Studies to pupils with hearing impairment in Special Education Center, Pankshin.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

The use of instructional resources by teachers is a strong predictor of improvements in pupil achievement, according to research. Many school administrators have a very ambivalent attitude in providing the necessary tools, equipment, or materials for efficient Social Studies teaching. This lackadaisical attitude tends to hinder the sincere efforts of some social studies teachers at the institution. despite the fact that social studies is emphasized as one of the integrated disciplines in both primary and secondary education. As a result, there is still significant room for improvement in the implementation of a functional education in connection to social studies in primary schools. Given these challenges, the majority of Social Studies teachers continue to teach the topic theoretically (i.e., explaining without an object to make learning concrete), which makes learning uninteresting for pupils. This is clearly in opposition to the social studies education reform that is much needed at this stage of our growth and places a focus on learning that is practical in nature. Therefore, it is essential to conduct research on how instructional materials affect social studies teaching and learning to pupils with hearing impairment in Special Education Center, Pankshin.

1.3       Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to determine the effect of instructional material in teaching and learning of social studies to pupils with hearing impairment in Special Education Center, Pankshin with the following objectives:

  1. Investigate the availability of instructional materials used in the teaching of social studies to pupils with hearing impairment in Special Education Center, Pankshin?
  2. Determine the attitude of teachers towards the use of instructional materials in teaching of social studies to pupils with hearing impairment in Special Education Center, Pankshin.
  3. Examine the environmental factors influencing the use of instructional materials in teaching of social studies to pupils with hearing impairment in Special Education Center, Pankshin

1.4       Research Questions

The following research questions were answered in the course of the study.

  1. What are the available instructional materials used in the teaching of social studies to pupils with hearing impairment in Special Education Center, Pankshin?
  2. What are the attitude of teachers towards the use of instructional materials in the teaching of social studies to pupils with hearing impairment in Special Education Center, Pankshin?
  3. What are the environmental factors influencing the use of instructional materials in teaching of social studies to pupils with hearing impairment in Special Education Center, Pankshin?

1.5       Delimitation of the Study

The study is aimed at explaining the factors influencing the use of instructional materials for learning of Social Studies to pupils with hearing impairment in Special Education Center, Pankshin, availability of instructional materials influencing learning of social studies, teachers attitudes towards the use of instructional materials, and environmental influencing instructional materials usage.

1.6       Significance of the Study

This research work “effect of instructional material in teaching and learning of social studies to pupils with hearing impairment in Special Education Center, Pankshin is significant and useful in the teaching and learning of social studies.  Subsequently, the findings from the study will help Social Studies teachers in choosing an appropriate instructional material(s) capable of releasing pupils with hearing impairment tension towards the subject thus improving pupils’ learning in social studies.

It will motivate Social Studies teachers to develop interest towards utilizing suitable teaching materials that will be a possible means towards reducing failure in the teaching and learning of social studies.

Findings of this study will also help clarify among the teachers the need for continuous and regular improvisation of suitable instructional materials for teaching and learning of social studies to pupils with hearing impairment.

Moreover, the results of this study will be of great significance to the Social Studies curriculum planners. The curriculum developers will find the work useful in reviewing the Social Studies curriculum by seriously laying emphasis on utilization of instructional materials so as to meet up with emerging needs of the society.

This study will be of immense benefit to researchers in the field of Social Studies by forming a basis for further studies on the usage of instructional materials and teachers’ quality.

This study will also be of benefit to principal as they would understand more on where their Social Studies teachers’ ineffectiveness comes from in the area of instructional material usage and this would set the base for what they can do in order to help the teachers and hence improve their effectiveness toward influencing learners with the use of instructional materials.

1.7       Definition of Operational Terms

Social Studies: This is a subject offered in primary and secondary schools level that teaches pupils of their civic rights and responsibilities.

Hearing impairment: a partial or total inability to hear.

Instructional Materials: Instructional Materials refer to physical materials that can be used to facilitate learning of primary three pupils with hearing impairment

FGN: – Federal Government of Nigeria.

  • Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
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