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The study was designed to find out the Effect of Climate Change on Student’s Academic Performance in Tertiary Institution: A case Study of Federal College of Education Pankshin. The population of the study was the students captured from the seven schools within the college with 150 sampled respondents. The study employed descriptive survey design. Three research questions guided the study. The three research questions were analyzed using statistical mean. The results of the study revealed that the effect of Climate Change on the environmental conditions in which human institutions operate to meet societal needs is enormous, and that as climate variables change and become more severe daily activities in school are impacted in one way or another. The findings of the study also revealed that understanding of environmental concerns such as burning of waste materials around school and the environs can lead to climate change. Therefore, students should hold an in-depth understanding of favourable weather condition in promoting effectiveness in learning through evaluation of higher consumption desire of raw materials leading to climate change in order to promote their academic performance. Based on the findings of the study, the researchers concluded that climate change have a great effect on student’s current academic performance like solar variability and that climate change is not only a direct factor that affects student academic performance but level of teacher’s productivity, student commitment to their study and societal value. The study recommends among others that, Government through the Education authorities should improve education, training and public awareness on climate change, to enable the full mobilization and participation of the society to tackle the numerous challenges posed by the adverse effect of climate change on the academic achievement of the students in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.

Keywords: Academic Performance, Climate change, Temperature, Health




1.1       Background to the Study        –           –           –           –           –           –           –           1

1.2       Statement of the Problem       –           –           –           –           –           –           –           5

1.3       Purpose of the Study –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           5

1.4       Research Question      –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           6

1.5       Research Hypothesis –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           6

1.6       Significance of the Study       –           –           –           –           –           –           –           6

1.7       Scope and Delimitation of the study  –           –           –           –           –           –           7

1.8       Operational Definition of Terms        –           –           –           –           –           –           7





3.0       Introduction    –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           32

3.1       Research Design         –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           32

3.2       Population and Sample of the Study  –           –           –           –           –           –           32

  • Population of the Study –           –           –           –           –           –           –           32

3.2.2    Sample            –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           33

3.3       Sampling Technique   –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           34

3.4       Instrument (s) for Data Collection      –           –           –           –           –           –           34

  • Validity and Reliability of the Research Instrument  –           –           –           –           35

3.5.1    Validity           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           35

3.5.2    Reliability       –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           35

3.6       Procedure of Data Collection –           –           –           –           –           –           –           35

3.7       Method of Data Analysis        –           –           –           –           –           –           –           35



4.1       Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents      –           –           –           –           37

4.2       Analysis of Research Questions         –           –           –           –           –           –           39

4.3       Discussion of the Findings     –           –           –           –           –           –           –           45



5.1       Summary of the Findings       –           –           –           –           –           –           –           47

5.2       Conclusion      –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           48

5.3       Recommendation        –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           49

5.4       Limitation of the Study          –           –           –           –           –           –           –           50

5.5       Suggestions for Further Studies         –           –           –           –           –           –           51

REFERENCE       –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        52

APPENDIX          –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        54























1.1       Background to the Study

            Investments in education serve as an important pathway for the development of a society devoid of distortions of the academic environment. Education is a vital and essential factor in human life and in virtually all fields of human endeavour. Eric (2018) observes that, education is one of the most instrument of change and a dynamic one which influences the developmental strides of a nation in different facets of human life. These strides may be in the areas of economic, political cultural or social aspects which include the education system. According to Edem (2018), education is the process by which the capabilities of individuals are developed through the acquisition of basic knowledge, skills, values and right attitude for the benefit of the individuals and the society at large. Ogbonnaya (2013) explains education as a balance wheel of the machinery of a nation that propels her to a sustainable growth and development. In this regard, education in Nigeria is an instrument “par excellence” for national development (Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN, 2004:4). Operationally, education is a process whereby individuals acquire the right skills, values and attitude which is a precursor to the empowerment and functional existence of individuals in the larger society. The learners are expected to acquire these essential attributes of education in a conducive learning environment devoid of distractive factors (human or natural) or inform of climate or domestic changes in order to enhance their academic achievement in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria (Federal College of Education Pankshin inclusively).

Climate as used here refers to as, the atmospheric condition of a place at a particular time.

According to Edimark (2019), climate is the regular pattern of weather conditions of a particular place which may be mild, warm or wet in nature. The dynamism of these conditions affects greatly the education given to students in schools especially in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria specifically FCE Pankshin. Nanthakumar, Sakthikumaran and Sivashankar (2018), observes that, climate change is the changes in the earth’s weather, including changes in temperature, wind patterns, and rainfall, especially the increase in temperature that is caused by the increase of particular gas, particularly carbon monoxide (CO3). Clark further states that, the amount of Carbon monoxide in the atmosphere has a profound effect on the academic conditions of a school.

It has been observed that the word “climate change” has really generated a lot of talks, seminars, lectures and conference in recent times. Before giving a definition of climate change, there should be a proper understanding of the word ‘climate’. The climate is based on the fact that it is one of the factors that affect environmental condition. Adebayo (1991), submitted that climate is the generalization of weather conditions in an area over a long period of at least 30years. He further asserted that climate is the synthesis of weather at a given location or an area over a period of at least 30years. Climate is a measure of the average pattern of variation in temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, precipitation, atmospheric particle counts and other meteorological variables in a given region over long period of time. The climate of a location is affected by its latitude, terrain, altitude, water bodies and their currents. Climate can be classified according to the average and most typical ranges of different variables, most commonly temperature and precipitation.

The intergovernmental panel on climate change define climate as the “average weather”, or more rigorously, as the statistical description in terms of the mean and variability of relevant quantities over a period ranging from months to period of 30years. The intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) working group (2007) noted that climate change refers to any chance in climate overtime, whether due to natural variability or as result of human activities. Also, the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) 2007 defines climate change as a change in climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activities that alter the natural composition of the global atmosphere and which are in addition to the natural variability, observation over a comparable time period. However, climate change has undergone tremendous changes in the past, it is still changing and will continue to change (UNFCC) 2007. These changes affect not only the quality of life and environment of the current world but also the survival of human race.

Climate change arises from environmentally unfriendly human activities that tend to satisfy the present need of the people at the risk which will later pose a greater demand in the future. Climate change is induced by the combination of natural and anthropogenic factors and causes. The natural causes are as a result of interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere and also between vegetation and atmosphere. The Green House Gases (GHG) and others including Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) etc. the gases have a greater influence and also attributed to human activities particularly fossil-fuel and deforestation.

Climate change has a lot of effect on human and the environment at large. Climate change has affected the academic performance of students in FCE Pankshin because of the insufficient infrastructural and low standard of facilities among others. Change in climate overtime has affected and is still affecting the academic performance directly and indirectly. Climate change has affected the academic performance of students directly because of concentration of Solar radiation, coldness nature of school site and high amount of precipitation “sunshine and rainfall” and this phenomenon “climate change” has affected indirectly when of supply of infrastructural facility is over utilized or not appropriately used. For example, a lecture room meant for (50) fifty students been used by (80) eighty students will reduce the level of concentration and assimilation in the class because of the excess heat and carbon dioxide been produced by the extra 30 students which are not meant to be in class because of the atmosphere in question, this will indirectly reduce the academic performance of students.

It should be noted that climate change could either affect positively or negatively but this phenomenon is doing more bad than good. In the period of harmatan, a class meant for (50) fifty can be averagely used. Because of the present condition of weather a little addition to fifty students will suit the present situation of students bringing about the generation of heat and will make the students convenient when listening to lecture.  The facts still remain that climate change cannot be stopped but an adaptational plan can be put in place to reduce the effects on man and its environment.

It is upon this background that the researchers deems it fit to investigate in to the effect of climate change on student’s academic performance in Tertiary Institution: A case study of Federal College of Education Pankshin

1.2       Statement of the Problem

The problem of this study is to find out the effect of climate change on student’s academic performance in Tertiary Institution: A case study of Federal College of Education Pankshin, so as to find out the means of reducing the effects of climate change on the students’ academic performances.

Although the state government had taken several measure such as providing “facilities” (adequate infrastructural facilities) and rehabilitation of lecture rooms and building of new ones, yet it seems that the performance of students has not justified the huge amount of money which the government has spent on exercise. The problem of this research therefore is to critically examine the effect of climate change on student’s academic performance in Tertiary Institution: A case study of Federal College of Education Pankshin.

1.3       Purpose of the Study

The primary purpose of this study is to examine effect of climate change on student’s academic performance in Tertiary Institution: A case study of Federal College of Education Pankshin. Specifically, the study seeks to:

  1. Determine the effect of climate change on student’s academic performance in Federal College of Education Pankshin.
  2. Assess the perception of students on the meaning and factors affecting climate change
  3. Determine the adaptational plan of climate change that can promote good academic performance of students in FCE Pankshin.

1.4       Research Question

            The following research questions guided the study:

  1. What is the effect of climate change on student’s academic performance in Federal College of Education Pankshin?
  2. What is the perception of students on the meaning and factors affecting climate change?
  3. What is the adaptational plan of climate change that can promote good academic performance of students in FCE Pankshin?

1.5       Research Hypothesis

For the successful completion of the study, the following research hypotheses were formulated by the researchers;

H0: There is no significance effect of climate change and student’s academic performance of students in Federal College of Education Pankshin

Ha: There is a significance effect of climate change and student’s academic performance of students in Federal College of Education Pankshin

1.6       Significance of the Study

The impact of climate change on student’s performance cannot be over stressed. There have been series of performance due to change in climate. Climate has been acting and has acted as a major factor in bringing series of performance of people in society and most importantly in the educational line. i.e. students,  lecturers, university management, entire public and other researchers.

The study is of benefit to the students because it will enable them to understand what phenomenon “climate change” is and that climate change will continue to change and bring out new effects every day.

The findings of the study would enable biology lecturers and Nigerian tertiary institutions management to know how to tackle and adapt to all effects. Also,  it will help in recommending ways of improving the academic performance of students knowing that climate is still changing.

The finding of this study will make entire public to understand what is phenomenon “ climate change” and also to other researchers know that climate change has come to stay and also provide a resource material for further studies.

1.7       Scope and Delimitation of the study

The study would examine the effect of climate change on student’s academic performance in Tertiary Institution with particular reference to Federal College of Education Pankshin. The study will focus in FCE Pankshin with six school within the college which includes; school of sciences, school of VOC & TECH., School of languages, School of ECCE & PEDN, School of Arts and Social science and school of education respectively.

1.8       Operational Definition of Terms

It is essential to give the definitions of terms used in this research work so as to give a clear understanding of the work to the readers. These terms are;

Effects: It simply refers to a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.

Climate: This is the total experience of weather at any place over some specific period of time must be considered and also the synthesis of weather at given location over a period of about 30-35years. Climate is the average weather overtime and space.

Climate Change: Climate change refers to any change in climate overtime, whether due to natural variability on a result of human activities. This is the variation in biotic processes, variation in solar radiation received by earth.

Student: Is something or someone that is consider to learning.

Student’s Performance: It refers to the extent to which learners have attained their short or long-term educational goals.

Weather: Weather is the atmospheric condition of a place at any given point in time. It can be again be stated as the condition of the lower atmosphere of a place over a period.

Environment: An environment is what surrounds a thing or an item. An environment is the totality (trees, water, oceans, rocks, animals etc.) of a given space either natural or man-made.

Physical Environment: It refers to man immediate and distance surroundings which consist of natural things and man-made like climate, sky, mountain, valley, rocks, bridges, roads, settlement, dams, farmland etc.

Human Environment: These are the people surrounding an item or thing. This is also known as social enrollment and includes elements like the home, family, family, school. It is also directly where the atmosphere of people is created.

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  • Chapter 1 to 5
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