Marriage has been described as a legal union of a man and a woman as husband and wife. It is a relationship in which two adult of the opposite sex makes emotional and legal commitment to live together. Marriage involves the coming together of a man and a woman to raise a family, and to meet the satisfaction of security and of an enduring affection and companionship (Omari, 1989).
Marriage as a social institution is cherished and highly approved in every culture of the world population (Henslin, 1980). It is usually contracted amidst joy, happiness, and merry making for the couple, family members and friends. Marriage, being a social institution fosters the coming together of two totally different individual with different socio-economic backgrounds to form a family. Probably because of these differences, the marriage institution is seen to breed more conflict than most other institutions (Alhassan, 1988).
Many factors have combine to affect marriage institutions thus causing problems which both young and old couples must contend with. Marital conflict, according to Sotonade (1998) is an ill-wind that blows no one any good. Marital conflict can also be seen as the state of tension or stress between marital partners as the couple tries to carry out their marital role.
When there is conflict in the home, the consequence are great for the couples themselves, the children of the marriage and the society at large. Juvenile delinquency, armed robbery, hooliganism, drop-outism, alcoholism are some of the consequences of marital conflicts. As a result of the role the family unit plays in the overall development of the society, the problem of marital conflict calls for urgent attention because when the home which forms the cradle of the society is settled; the society itself is at peace.
The need for peaceful co-existence both in the home and the society at large cannot be over-stressed; peace is related to most social objectives like development, justice, progress, freedom, security, fairness and equality. Peace affects practically every aspect of social existence at different levels starting from the home front ton the global relationship (Best 2000). Peace exists in the home when the parties’involved can manage conflict constructively. This may be possible when a number of conflict resolution skills are acquired and mastered.
This study through a theoretical perspective presents an overview of marital conflict, its causesand its effectson couples and marital life. Thereafter, the study examines marital conflict resolution techniques, employing behaviors contracting as a strategy.
The dynamics of the culture and human relationship have made researchers to observe many influences, manifestations happenings and occurrences in marriage stability within the African society. These manifestations and occurrences have significant impact on marriages within the African society. The impacts have been both positive and negative. However, a recent observation shows that people’s attitude to marriage in African modern society suggest an alarming negative effect of these impact (Borgatta and Edgora, 2000).
In Nigeria today, the rate at which marital couples experience divorce and remarriage is quite alarming (Dada and Idowo 2006). Many families have been and some are still being seriously at war with themselves simply because of the failure to manage or resolve conflicting issues between couple or families. Families in Makurdi are not an exception. The causes of these conflicts are diverse and the effect is devastating. It is the singular fact that this research is aimed at determining the causes of marital conflicts in Makurdi Local Government Area
The research was designed to answer the following questions.
I. Is there any relationship between polygamy and marital conflict?
II. Is there any relationship between religious background and marital conflict?
III. Is there any relationship between educational qualification and marital conflict?
IV. Is there any relationship between couple age and marital conflict?
V. Is the any relationship between gender and marital conflict?
The purpose of the research work is to carry out a study on how couples in Makurdi can identify the various causes of marital conflicts that are affecting their marriages and how this can be resolved through professional counseling psychologists.
The major aim of the research work is to ascertain the causes of marital conflict in Makurdi and the implication of counseling psychologists.
To carry out this research, the following hypothesis was postulatedfor the study.
I. There is no significant difference in marital conflict and religious background
II. There is no significant difference in marital conflict and polygamy
III. There is no significant difference in marital conflict and educational qualification.
IV. There is no significant difference in marital conflict and age of the couples.
V. There is no significant difference in marital conflict and gender.
The need to carry out this research work; causes of marital conflict is consequent upon the increasing rate of marriage dissolution and its alarming effecting Makurdi and the country at large.
This study is paramountlysignificant because it will underline the causes of marital conflict, lay emphasis on how counseling psychologist can be of help in providing tangible counseling to married and yet to get married couples to maintain their homes and face all sort of challenges in the process of carrying out their duties as husband and wife.
The study is limited to Makurdi Local Government Area. This is because of the problem of covering the whole state and coming out with almost the same result. All respondents are married men and women whose marital cohabitation has covered more than one year.
For the purpose of this study, the following terms were operationally defined as they are used in the study.
CAUSES: This can be seem as reason why something happen that way
CONFLICT: This can be seen as disagreement between two people.
MARITAL CONFLICT: This has to do with the state of disagreement between couples.
COUPLES: This refers to married men and women who are legally joined together as pairs or two people who are married and living together and have intimate relationship.
IMPLICATION: This refers to the possible effect and result of an action.
MARRIAGE: This is a legally recognized relationship establishes by civil or religious ceremony between two people who intent to live together as sexually and domestic partners.
COUNSELING: This is a process in which the counselor assists the counselee to make interpretation of facts relating to choice, plan or adjustment which he needs to make in his or her marriage.
PSYCHOLOGISTS: Are expert in human behaviors and emotions with practical skills and research skills that can be applied to a wide variety of fields such as marriage.
COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGISTS:These are professional who serve persons of old age and cultural backgrounds facing marital, professional, emotional challenges in both individual and group settings. They also consult regularly with organizations seeking to enhance their effectiveness or the wellbeing of their members.
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