0813 406 9676 kenterpro1@gmail.com




This study was designed to investigate into the Causes of Unwanted Pregnancy and Abortion and its Impact on Health and Academic Performance among Female Students in Federal College of Education Pankshin, Plateau State. The population of the study comprises of two hundred and six (206) Degree students and eight hundred and twenty five (825) NCE students with 100 sampled respondents. The study employed descriptive survey design. Four research questions guided the study. The four research questions were analysed using statistical means. The results of the study revealed that there exist many causes of unwanted pregnancy and abortion among female students in FCE Pankshin some of which are economic hardship, peer pressure, carelessness, social media, lack of family support and promiscuity among others. The analysis also revealed that the problems of unwanted pregnancy and abortion among our female students is one of the main challenges facing developing countries due to its effect on uncontrollable population growth and mother and child health. This is because Unplanned or unwanted pregnancy and abortion interfere with health and wellness in different ways and that it does not only affects various aspects of individual and family health state, but also reduces the labour productivity. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher concluded that the causes of unwanted pregnancy and abortion are very high among students in the study area. And therefore, sex education, health education and also youths programmes should be designed specifically to target female students to provide them with adequate knowledge on reproductive and sexual issues, change their attitude about sexual risk and motivate them to understand behaviour that reduce sexual risks especially the consistent use of condoms which has a dual purpose of both preventing unwanted pregnancies and also preventing sexually transmitted infections. The study recommends among others that, Health Care centre with the help of those in authority should educate students about the dangers of unprotected sex and safe sex before they contract STI’s and HIV/AIDS.















1.1       BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY            –           –           –           –           1

1.2       STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM         –           –           –           –           5

1.3       PURPOSE OF THE STUDY          –           –           –           –           –           8

1.4       RESEARCH QUESTIONS –           –           –           –           –           –           9

1.5       RESEARCH HYPOTHESES         –           –           –           –           –           9

1.6       SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY            –           –           –           –           10

1.7       SCOPE OF THE STUDY    –           –           –           –           –           –           10

1.8       OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS       –           –           –           11








3.1       STUDY AREA          –           –           –           –           –           –           –           50

3.2       RESEARCH DESIGN         –           –           –           –           –           –           51

3.3       POPULATION AND SAMPLE OF THE STUDY           –           –           52

3.3.1    Population      –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           52

3.3.2    Sample           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           52

3.4       SAMPLING TECHNIQUE –           –           –           –           –           –           53

3.5       INSTRUMENT (S) FOR DATA COLLECTION –           –           –           54


RESEARCH INSTRUMENT         –           –           –           –           –           54

3.6.1    Validity           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           54

3.6.2    Reliability      –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           54

3.7       PROCEDURE OF DATA COLLECTION           –           –           –           55

3.8       METHOD OF DATA ANALYSIS –           –           –           –           –           55



4.1       RESULTS PRESENTATION         –           –           –           –           –           57

4.2       DISCUSSION OF THE FINDINGS           –           –           –           –           69







5.1       SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS  –           –           –           –           –           72

5.2       CONCLUSION         –           –           –           –           –           –           –           73

5.3       RECOMMENDATION       –           –           –           –           –           –           74

5.4       LIMITATION OF THE STUDY    –           –           –           –           –           75

5.5       SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDIES       –           –           –           75

REFERENCE           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           76

APPENDIX I             –           –           –           –           –           –           –           79

APPENDIX II           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           80







Tertiary institutions as a centre for character and learning is expected by the society to inculcate the moral values of the larger society especially in promoting desirable sexual behavior. This is to be achieved through teaching and learning, on the one hand and through rules and regulations. Students learn new behavior in order to adjust to the demands of the new environment. Each student comes to the higher level of learning with his/her own perspective of life, relative to his social background. Because of the multi ethnic and social nature of higher institution environment, there is thus the likelihood of finding carriers of deviant norms who possibly teach others in the process of daily association (Ariyo, 2017).

According to Ariyo (2017), modern sex education has been the tool of the devil because of biology and mechanics of sex are being taught without restraint. However modern dressing styles are designed to make the side walk classroom and living room into garlic show, little have been left for imagination. Miniskirts and hot pants have been designed to break down any form of modesty and morality that will exist in our society.

Females Students (girl-students) in higher places of learning specifically FCE Pankshin are in a state of rapid physical and psychological change. They have curiosity and urge to experience new phenomena (Lewis, 2007). Nevertheless, our females students are exposed to different circumstance like fears, worries and different desires, they feel ashamed to get advice and guidance from their parents and elders. Over a life cycle approach, female students and their communities need to know about reproductive health so that, they can make informed decisions about their reproductive health and sexuality (Baryamutuma  & Baingana, 2011).

One major contemporary social problem confronting most societies today is unwanted pregnancy. According to Sambo (2009), “unwanted pregnancy refers to pregnancies which occur when the girl child is below the age of 18 years and unwillingness to get married. Unwanted, unplanned and out of wedlock”. Unwanted pregnancy may occur as a result of early maturity with good physical features, sometimes coupled with the onset of menstruation that varies from person to person, especially exposing a young girl to peer’s influence (Ede, 2011). Ede (2011) observed that a well mature adolescent girl knows that she can be attractive to opposite sex. Her image and self-esteem are in wholesome. It, in turn, enables her to venture out to get the different sex attracted. Ede (2011) further stated that such well-matured female students without adequate social training and self-discipline usually see sex as a means of social, economic and emotional gratification and hastily go into it and become pregnant. He added that it is indeed an over-pressing problem because of the enormous demands that sexual issues make on young persons. Sometimes, teenage pregnancy occurs as a result of sexual abuse that is rampant in our society today. Given the above factors, Nweke (2012) stated that it is evident for a child abused at a very early to fulfill an adult or older siblings need the rest of her life with the feelings which he had to give too much of himself. The result of sexual abuse, however, is not restricted to problems in one’s sexual life; they impair the development of themselves as an autonomous personality.

Abortion is an important topic of discussion, particularly in regards to reproductive health and family productivity. According to Shiers (1999), abortion is “the termination of pregnancy before 24weeks of gestation”. In other words, abortion is the act of bringing a pregnancy to an end before the sixth month. The World Health Organization (2004) defines abortion as “the termination of pregnancy before the embryo/fetus attains the age of viability”. In defining the age of viability, Okoye (2006) explains that in Nigeria and many other countries, the age of viability is accepted to be 28weeks of gestation which is the 7th month of pregnancy. This connotes any removal of fetus from the uterus at the 7th month of pregnancy or after that can be considered as birth rather than abortion. In consonance with the view of Ramalingan (2006), abortion is the ‘premature termination of pregnancy and from the seventh month, a fetus could be considered as matured.

In modern age of ours, people still get upset and feel shy sometimes at the mere mention of the word ‘abortion.  Also, most students are still ignorant about abortion related issues. As a result of this crude attitude towards abortion, more harm have been done than good to many innocent souls whose lives would have been saved if the right steps and attitudes had been taken at the appropriate time to savage such situation (Fisher, 2008).

A close observation of the incidence of abortion in Nigeria shows that abortion is very rampant. It is a common practice among female undergraduates and secondary school students. Personal experiences by the researchers of frequent occurrence of complications from abortion which often result in death across the states and in various hospitals throughout the country confirm the high rate of abortion in Nigeria. The Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey affirmed the high rate of abortion when it revealed that 91.73 percent of government hospitals and 97.58 percent of private hospitals in Nigeria have attended to patients suffering from abortion complications on an annual basis, National Population Commission Federal Republic of Nigeria, (FRN; 2014). In Port Harcourt (October 28, 2017) a girl of 17-year old in one secondary school died as a result of complications from abortion of a pregnancy of about three months old. Another case was an undergraduate student who aborted a pregnancy in a roadside chemist. Few hours, later she complained of pains in her lower abdomen and was rushed to University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital where she died of the complications, (National Statistical Service, Ministry of Health, and ICF, 2017). Cases of this nature are frequent occurrence in various parts of Nigeria. Enquiries have shown that abortion is done for several reasons. The most common and obvious reason of all the considerations is that abortion as a last resort to unwanted pregnancy. For female undergraduates and secondary school students, a pregnancy is principally unwanted because of the fear and shame of interruption in education, fear of parents’ rejection, and the stigma associated with bringing up a child born out of wedlock, as well as the fact that a pregnant female may be ignorant of the person responsible for the pregnancy.

The causes of unwanted pregnancy which is unintended pregnancy leading to abortion is a pregnancy that is mistimed, unplanned, or unwanted at the time of conception. It mainly results from the lack of, inconsistent, or incorrect use of effective contraceptive methods (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013).  It may also result from rape in which emergency contraception is not used. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, women who are more likely to experience unintended births include unmarried women, black women, and women with low educational status and income. A pregnancy can change from wanted to unwanted (and vice versa) during the course of a pregnancy through the reactions of others or external economic pressure (Monga and Dobbs, 2011).  In some instances, a change of circumstances (e.g. the lack of support from a partner) might lead to the pregnancy becoming unwanted, and thus an initially intended/wanted pregnancy may eventually be terminated (aborted). In other cases, an unexpected pregnancy may be welcomed due to prevailing circumstances. It is upon this background that the researcher deems it fit to investigate into the causes of unwanted pregnancy and abortion among female students and its impact on their academic performance in FCE Pankshin, Plateau State.


Unwanted pregnancy and abortion are cankerworm that have eaten deep into the fabric of most Nigerian students, causing most parents and stakeholders to lost confident on our generation as their efforts ends up in the street and finally being imprisonment. The building capacity will definitely lost it value as the trees planted could not bear fruits. Unwanted pregnancy and abortion among female students has become so rampant in our society especially in FCE Pankshin that thousand articles have been written or said about different people in different dimension of life in order to discourage it.

There appears to be a consensus among Nigerian researchers and observers that many traditional values are changing rapidly and for the worse (Naswen, 2001; Ezeh, 2001; Arumala, 2005 and Eruesegbefe, 2005). One area of life in which the decline of traditional values is obvious is in the area of sexuality. One major change has been the acceptance of pre-marital sex in a loving relationship.

Osisioma (1998) lamented that in Nigeria, culture no longer has a grip on the youth as our society seems to be plagued with decayed moral codes and values and so the sense of right and wrong is eroded. This seems to affect the youth, FCE Pankshin female students inclusive, more than any other group as this is manifested in the acceptance of sex before marriage leading to unwanted pregnancy, abortion, drug addiction and indecent dressing. Apart from the blame apportioned to parents for their negligence as earlier mentioned, some people are of the opinion that higher institution female students are naturally open to the normal sex drive while this drive is incensed by the impact of permissive Western culture transmitted through the sexual stimuli conveyed by the mass media. Denga (1983) pointed out that sexually explicit movies expose young people to adult issues at an “impressionable age.” Others opine that the use of pornographic materials as well as knowledge and use of contraceptives, especially the condom that has been excessively advertised, has contributed immensely to the involvement of adolescents in sexual practices leading to unwanted pregnancy hence the call for termination (abortion) (Onuzulike, 2002).

Unwanted pregnancy and abortion is a serious global problem that needs urgent attention. It has a great implication in a life of a woman and her reproductive health (WHO 2014). Unwanted pregnancy been a pregnancy that is mistimed, unplanned, or unwanted at the time of conception and  abortion defined by World Health Organization (WHO) as “a procedure for terminating unwanted pregnancy either by person lacking the necessary skills or in an environment lacking the minimum standard or both’’ (WHO 2014). It is one of the leading causes of maternal morbidity and mortality all over the world, especially in developing countries like Nigeria. Annually about 20 million unsafe abortions resulting from unwanted pregnancy among female students in tertiary institution are performed, most of which are in the developing countries with restrictive abortion laws (Adinma, 2019). According to WHO, 550 abortions are performed every day (WHO 2014). In Nigeria, unwanted pregnancy leading to abortion is a serious problem that significantly contributes (30-40%) to the maternal mortality in the country (Adinma, 2019). Even though there is no official data on abortion due to the restrictive law, however, a significant number of abortions are carried out in the country annually (Adinma, 2019), out of which many young and aged women dies as a result of complications (Otoide, Oronsaye & Okonofua 2011; Henshaw 2018).

Nigeria permits abortion only if the life of the woman is in danger; otherwise the perpetrators (woman and the abortionist) will be imprisoned for a prescribed number of years (Adinma, 2019). The implication of this law is that, a woman with unwanted pregnancy cannot get a safe abortion in the government facilities; instead she has to use the service of unqualified quacks which most of the time results in serious unwanted consequences (Adinma, 2019). Unwanted pregnancy and abortion often results in serious medical consequences, such as sepsis, hemorrhage and injury to the uterus bowel or genital organs. Others are renal failure and death from complications (Ibrahim et’al; 2011; Bankole et al; 2016). If the woman survives she may end up with some serious health related complications, such as secondary infertility, chronic pelvic pains, ectopic pregnancy that will jeopardize her future reproductive life (Ibrahim et al; 2019) and consequently her economic wellbeing. Most of these complications arise due to the fact that, abortions in most cases (68%) are carried out in the late first and second trimesters, only 20% are carried out early in the first three months (Ibrahim et al; 2019).

The researcher discovered that sometimes the female students’ performances are on the negative as a result of the prevalence causes of unwanted pregnancy from sex before marriage leading to abortion either among the students or with those outside the school. And these have gone a long way to hamper the educational development of the Nigerian youths in general and FCE Pankshin and its environs in particular.


The main aim of this study is to investigate into the causes of unwanted pregnancy and abortion among female students and its impact on their health status and academic performance in FCE Pankshin, Plateau State with the following specific objectives:

  1. The prevalent rates of unwanted pregnancies and abortion among female students in FCE Pankshin.
  2. The impact of unwanted pregnancies and abortion on the academic performance of female students in FCE Pankshin.
  3. The health implications of unwanted pregnancies and abortion amongst female students in FCE Pankshin
  4. Find out the possible means of curbing this menace among the girl’s students so as to enhance and improve their health status and academic performance in school.




In order to achieve the above objective the study came up with the following research question. The research question are stated as follow

  1. What are the causes of unwanted pregnancies and abortion among female students in FCE Pankshin?
  2. What are the factors leading to unwanted pregnancies and abortion and its effects on the educational development and performance of FCE Pankshin female students?
  3. What are the health implications of unwanted pregnancies and abortion amongst female students in FCE Pankshin?
  4. What are the possible means of curbing this menace among the female students so as to enhance and improve their academic development and performance in school?


Ho: There is no significant association in the prevalence rate of unwanted pregnancy and abortion in FCE Pankshin.

Ho2: There is no significant association between the impact of unwanted pregnancy and abortion on the academic performance of female students in FCE Pankshin.

Ho3: There is no significant association on health implications of unwanted pregnancies and abortion among female students in FCE Pankshin

Ho4: There is no significance association in the possible means of curbing this menace among the female students so as to improve and enhance their academic performance.




The result of this research work will be useful to the government. Because it will make the government to discover the consequences of unwanted pregnancies and abortion on the educational development of the higher institution female students and the role it needs to play to curb this menace in our society.

The female students in higher places of learning themselves will benefit from this research work as it will enable them to identify the prevalence causes and problems associated with unwanted pregnancies and abortion with particular reference to their educational development.

It will also benefit parents, because it will point out the areas through which the parents have been influencing premarital sexual leading to unwanted pregnancy and abortion among the female students and the quota they need to contribute to resolving the problem.

The teachers will also gain from this research work as they are the tutors of the Nigerian youths. It will also show their own roles in curbing unwanted pregnancies and abortion among the female students and the youths in general through guidance and counselling services.


The researcher will limit the study to the causes of unwanted pregnancy and abortion among female students and its impact on their health and academic performance in FCE Pankshin, Plateau State.

            Due to financial constraint, the researcher will be unable to go round and collect more materials or to obtain information from all the final year students in School of Sciences of Federal College of Education Pankshin. Also the researcher being students is involved in other academic endeavours and hereby will be left with limited time to go round in the study area. These factors therefore, will delimit the research work to only some selected final year Female Students in Federal College of Education Pankshin.


Terms that are related to the study are defined below in order to remove somatic ambiguity in their usage.

Causes:                                   It refers to a person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition.

Unwanted Pregnancies:       Literally, it refers to pregnancies that are mistimed, unplanned or unwanted at the time of conception. In this study, it implies to a pregnancy that is either unwanted, such as the pregnancy occurred when not ready financially. Or the pregnancy not needed, or is mistimed, such as the pregnancy occurred earlier than desired.

Abortion:                               This has to do with removal or termination of pregnancy between the seven month which is the viability of the foetus a time when the foetus is capable of extra uterine life and independently.

Impact:                                   Literally, it refers to the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another. In this study, it implies those consequences offers by the unwanted pregnancies and abortion among Female Students in Federal College of Education Pankshin.

Academic:                              Academic is used to describe things that relate to the work done in schools, colleges, and universities, especially work which involves studying and reasoning rather than practical or technical skills.


Performance:                         Literally, it implies the action or process of performing a task or function. In this study, it refers to successful completion of a program required by the department, including an education.

Academic performance:                   It refers to the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has attained their short or long-term educational goals. 















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