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  • Background to the Study

The concept of the Arabic language encompasses its linguistic, historical, cultural, and literary dimensions. Arabic is a Semitic language and one of the world’s oldest continuously spoken languages, with a rich history that stretches back over 1,500 years. It is the native language of millions of people across the Arab world and serves as the liturgical language of Islam, as the Quran was revealed in Arabic. The Arabic language is renowned for its complex grammar, intricate morphology, and a vast vocabulary that reflects its extensive influence on various fields such as science, mathematics, philosophy, and literature. It has multiple dialects that differ in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar, but Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) serves as the According to Al-Mahrooqi and Denman (2014) standardized form used in formal settings, media, literature, and education. The Arabic language has made significant contributions to the world’s intellectual and cultural heritage, particularly through its literature, poetry, and scientific advancements during the Islamic Golden Age. It has a unique calligraphic tradition that is considered an art form in itself. Moreover, the Arabic language plays a pivotal role in Islamic worship, as it is the language of the Quran, Hadith, and other religious texts. According to Elsheikh (2018) the concept of the Arabic language encompasses not only its linguistic and structural aspects but also its cultural significance as a unifying force among Arab-speaking communities and a carrier of their collective identity and heritage. It serves as a means of communication, a vehicle for literary expression, a source of historical knowledge, and a symbol of cultural pride.

Arabic language is the language of Quran. Today, it is the most important language of the Semitic group spoken by millions of people and understood by many more (Testen, David “Semitic Language” Encyclopedia Britanical, 2020). The Arabic language has an alphabet of twenty-eight consonants.  Today, Arabic is a universally recognized language, occupying a position which is not less in status and rank than that occupied by international language like English, French or German (Saif & Al-Khawaldeh, 2019).). It has long been adopted by the United Nations (UN), The Africa Union (AU), the Organization (FAQ), as a tool for political and diplomatic exchange.

The Arabic language holds significant importance in Nigeria due to its historical, religious, educational, and cultural significance. As a country with a substantial Muslim population, Arabic plays a crucial role in Islamic worship, education, and scholarship. Arabic is the language of the Quran, the central religious text of Islam, and its study is essential for Muslims to understand and engage with their religious teachings (Alhassan & Bello, 2017). Arabic is taught in Islamic schools (madrasas) across the country, where students learn to read, write, and understand the Quranic Arabic, deepening their religious knowledge and fostering a connection to their faith (Ogunnaike, 2018). Additionally, Arabic serves as a medium of instruction in Islamic higher institutions, facilitating the study of Islamic sciences and promoting scholarship in areas such as Islamic law, theology, and Arabic literature (Bashir, 2018).

The importance of Arabic in Nigeria extends beyond religious and educational domains. Arabic is a language of cultural heritage and identity for Nigerian Muslims. It provides a sense of belonging and connects Nigerian Muslims to the broader Arabic-speaking world, fostering cultural and social ties (Alhassan & Bello, 2017). Moreover, Arabic calligraphy and literature have a long-standing tradition in Nigeria, with Arabic scripts being used in architectural designs, traditional arts, and written compositions (Ogunnaike, 2018). Furthermore, Arabic serves as a bridge between Nigeria and other Arab countries, facilitating cultural exchange, trade, and diplomatic relations. Nigeria has diplomatic ties with many Arab nations, and proficiency in Arabic helps foster effective communication and cooperation in various fields (Bashir, 2018).

In Nigeria, the importance of Arabic is evident, with the fact that many Universities offered Arabic language as a course of study. This is so because; Arabic is the language of Islam and Nigeria as a nation has many Muslims, and Nigeria is a member of (OPEC). Arabic is very important to Nigeria as it’s use as a means of diplomacy. Good Arabic language communication will also boost Nigeria economy and this will guarantee the understanding of Islamic religion in the World, which may lead to the development of peace and stability (Lawal, 2006). Arabic is a discipline has many branches, notable among them; Arabic literature, syntax, morphology, prosody, rhetoric and so on. According to Adeyemi (2012); these are compulsory and basic subjects for all junior Arabic and Secondary school students and Arabic students cannot become successful Arabist without adequate and in depth knowledge of the subjects.

Historically, Arabic is the oldest foreign language in Nigeria today. The reason is that its entered into the country dated back to the seventh century of the Christian era and the first century of the Hijirah calendar, centuries before the advent of Europeans in Nigeria, Arabic had been used for religious, social and cultural purposes. It was in recognition of its significance that Arabic language is introduce into the Nigerian education curriculum as an academic discipline (Abikan, 2007).

Arabic education in this regard, is conceived as the process by which Arabic-related skills, competencies, attitudes and cultural heritage are enveloped in learners using professionally approved method of teaching (Oladosu,2012). In this context, the development process is presumably carried out by trained teachers of Arabic, which are guided by the general and specific principles and practice of instruction. This bring us to an overview of the Arabic school system in Nigeria. Arabic language is a discipline faced with many difficulties experienced by Nigeria secondary schools. One of the difficulties faced in the learning of  Arabic is lack of exposure to practical aspect of the language, as most students find it difficult to express themselves  in public (Abbas, 2007), family, attitudinal problems and society with Arabic language background play a vital role towards the achievement of Arabic language proficiency among secondary school students (Ango, 2010).

The concept of Arabic schools, also known as Islamic schools or madrasas, revolves around providing education that integrates both secular knowledge and Islamic teachings within an Arabic cultural and linguistic context. These schools aim to create an environment where students can acquire a comprehensive education that encompasses academic subjects alongside the study of Islam and Arabic language. according to Al-Masri (2016) the concept of Arabic schools emerged from the historical tradition of Islamic education, which places a strong emphasis on the acquisition of religious knowledge and nurturing a deep understanding of Islamic principles. Arabic schools serve as important institutions for the preservation of Arabic language, Islamic culture, and religious identity. They promote the study of the Quran, Hadith, Islamic jurisprudence, and other aspects of Islamic studies, instilling in students a sense of religious literacy, moral values, and ethical conduct. The Arabic language serves as the medium of instruction, allowing students to develop proficiency in Arabic while gaining knowledge in various academic disciplines. The concept of Arabic schools recognizes the integral role of Islamic teachings in shaping individuals’ character, promoting community cohesion, and fostering a strong connection to Islamic values and heritage. According to Fahmy and Abd-El-Khalick (2014) these schools often collaborate with local mosques, providing students with opportunities to engage in religious rituals, community service, and cultural activities. By offering a holistic education that combines academic excellence with religious and cultural education, Arabic schools aim to develop well-rounded individuals who are not only academically competent but also deeply rooted in their Islamic faith and cultural heritage.

Arabic schools play a significant role in providing education and promoting cultural and religious values in Arab-speaking countries and communities worldwide. These schools typically offer a comprehensive curriculum that encompasses both secular subjects and Islamic studies. In secular subjects, Arabic, mathematics, science, social studies, and languages are taught, while Islamic studies cover topics such as the Quran, Hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad), Islamic history, jurisprudence, and Arabic calligraphy (Hamdan, 2019). The primary goal of Arabic schools is to provide students with a strong foundation in Islamic teachings, values, and ethics, fostering religious literacy and a deep understanding of Islamic principles. In addition to academic subjects, Arabic schools often emphasize the memorization and recitation of the Quran, promoting a strong connection to the holy book. According to Al-Shehri (2015) they also encourage the development of moral character, etiquette, and spiritual growth. Arabic schools often have a close relationship with mosques, and students are encouraged to participate in religious rituals and activities within their communities. These schools serve as centers of religious and cultural identity, aiming to produce well-rounded individuals who are knowledgeable about Islam and can contribute positively to their societies. They play a vital role in preserving Arabic language and heritage, as the language of instruction is typically Arabic. Overall, Arabic schools provide an educational environment that nurtures both academic excellence and a deep understanding of Islamic values, contributing to the holistic development of students within an Islamic framework.

It is in line with the above discussion that this study seeks to make an assessment of activities of some selected Arabic Schools in Alagbado Ijaye Local Government Area of Lagos State.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

            The ideal situation is to have a comprehensive assessment and understanding of the activities, teaching methods, curriculum, infrastructure, and overall performance of Arabic schools located in the Alagbado Ijaye area of Lagos State. However, there is a significant gap in knowledge regarding the specific activities and practices of Arabic schools in the Alagbado Ijaye area. Existing research on Arabic education has primarily focused on broader contexts or different geographical areas, leaving a void in understanding the intricacies of these schools in this specific locality. Limited research has been conducted on the activities of Arabic schools in Alagbado Ijaye, Lagos State (Ibrahim, 2017). Previous studies on Arabic education have predominantly explored general aspects of curriculum, teaching methodologies, and challenges faced by Arabic schools in various regions.

The persistence of this problem is evident in the absence of specific information and insights into the activities, teaching methods, curriculum, infrastructure, and overall performance of Arabic schools operating in Alagbado Ijaye, Lagos State. This knowledge gap hampers efforts to evaluate the quality of education provided by these schools and impedes the identification of areas for improvement. The lack of a comprehensive assessment of Arabic schools in Alagbado Ijaye has significant implications for the educational experiences and outcomes of students attending these institutions. Without a thorough understanding of their activities, it becomes challenging to gauge the effectiveness of teaching methods, the adequacy of the curriculum, and the availability of necessary resources (Lumbard, 2019). Furthermore, the absence of specific information may hinder policy formulation and decision-making processes related to Arabic education in the Alagbado Ijaye area.

The primary objective of this research is to address the current knowledge gap by conducting a comprehensive assessment of the activities of selected Arabic schools in Alagbado Ijaye, Lagos State. By gaining insights into their teaching methods, curriculum design, infrastructure, and overall performance, this study aims to provide valuable information for informed decision-making, policy formulation, and improvement of Arabic education in the region. While studies on Arabic education exist, there is a distinct lack of research focusing on the activities and practices of Arabic schools specifically in the Alagbado Ijaye area of Lagos State. This research seeks to bridge this gap by conducting an in-depth assessment that is tailored to the unique context of Arabic schools in Alagbado Ijaye, thereby contributing to the existing body of knowledge.

Given the limited understanding of the activities, teaching methods, curriculum, infrastructure, and overall performance of Arabic schools in Alagbado Ijaye, Lagos State, there is an urgent need to conduct a comprehensive assessment of these institutions. By undertaking this research, we can gain valuable insights into the strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement within the Arabic education system in the Alagbado Ijaye area. The findings of this study will not only enhance our understanding of the specific challenges faced by these schools but also inform decision-making processes, policy formulation, and ultimately contribute to the improvement of Arabic education in Alagbado Ijaye, Lagos State.

1.3 Objective of the Study              

            The aim of this study is to make an assessment of activities of some selected Arabic Schools in Alagbado Ijaye Local Government Area of Lagos State. The specific objectives of the study are:

  1. to assess the quality of education provided by Arabic schools in Alagbado Ijaye, Lagos state.
  2. to assess the effectiveness of Arabic schools in promoting religious literacy and a deep understanding of Islamic principles among students
  3. to investigate the extent to which Arabic language is taught in Arabic schools.
  4. to examine the role of Arabic schools in preserving cultural and religious heritage in Alagbado Ijaye, Lagos state.

1.4 Research Questions

            The following research questions guided this study:

  1. What is the quality of education provided by Arabic schools in Alagbado Ijaye, Lagos state?
  2. How effective are Arabic schools in promoting religious literacy and fostering a deep understanding of Islamic principles among students?
  3. To what extent is Arabic language taught in Arabic schools?
  4. What role do Arabic schools play in preserving cultural and religious heritage in Alagbado Ijaye, Lagos state?

1.5 Significance of the Study 

            The beneficiaries of a study on the topic “An assessment of activities of some selected Arabic schools in Alagbado Ijaye, Lagos state” can include various stakeholders who are directly or indirectly impacted by the findings and recommendations of the study. Some potential beneficiaries may include:

The study can provide valuable insights and recommendations to Arabic schools in Alagbado Ijaye, Lagos state, helping them identify areas for improvement in their activities and overall performance. The findings can guide schools in enhancing their curriculum, teaching methodologies, community engagement, and overall educational quality.

The study can benefit the students attending the selected Arabic schools by shedding light on the strengths and weaknesses of the educational programs. The findings and recommendations can contribute to the improvement of teaching and learning approaches, leading to a better educational experience and outcomes for the students.

The study can provide parents and families with information about the quality of education and the effectiveness of Arabic schools in Alagbado Ijaye, Lagos state. This can assist them in making informed decisions about their children’s education and selecting schools that align with their educational goals and values.

The study’s findings can help the local community gain insights into the role of Arabic schools in preserving cultural and religious heritage. The study can raise awareness about the importance of Arabic education, language preservation, and the cultural contributions of Arabic schools in Alagbado Ijaye, Lagos state.

The study can provide policymakers and education administrators with valuable data and insights to inform policy decisions and resource allocation. The findings and recommendations can contribute to the development of policies and initiatives aimed at improving Arabic education and promoting cultural and religious heritage preservation in the educational system.

1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study

            The scope of the study, focuses on evaluating the activities and effectiveness of a specific set of Arabic schools in the Alagbado Ijaye area of Lagos state. The study seeks to assess the quality of education provided, effectiveness of teaching methodologies employed, promotion of religious literacy, and the role of the schools in preserving cultural and religious heritage. However, it is important to acknowledge certain limitations. The study’s findings will be specific to the selected Arabic schools in Alagbado Ijaye and may not be generalizable to all Arabic schools in Lagos state or other regions. Additionally, the study’s scope may be constrained by factors such as time limitations, resource availability, and the willingness of participants to provide accurate and comprehensive information. Despite these limitations, the study aims to provide valuable insights and recommendations for the improvement of Arabic schools in Alagbado Ijaye, contributing to the understanding and enhancement of their educational activities.

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