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 1.1 Background to the Study

Culture and religion play significant roles in shaping societies and influencing inter-religious relations. The coexistence and interaction between different religious groups within a cultural context can have profound implications for social harmony, peace, and development. Understanding the dynamics of culture and inter-religious relations is crucial for fostering mutual respect, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence among diverse communities.

 In the context of Pushit District, located within the Mangu Local Government Area, the dynamics of inter-religious relations have been significantly influenced by the Mwaghavul culture, which has its roots deeply embedded in the region. To comprehend the impact of the Mwaghavul culture on inter-religious relations in Pushit, it is crucial to explore the concepts of culture and religion, the current state of inter-religious relations in Pushit, and the unique aspects of the Mwaghavul culture that contribute to the overall dynamics.

According to Desmond  culture, as a multifaceted concept, encompasses a wide range of beliefs, values, customs, and practices that are shared by a particular group of people (10). It serves as the foundation upon which individuals construct their identities and perceive the world around them. Religion, on the other hand, encompasses a system of beliefs, rituals, and moral values that provide individuals with a framework for understanding the divine and organizing their lives accordingly. In the case of Pushit, the intersection of culture and religion plays a pivotal role in shaping inter-religious relations and influencing the dynamics between different religious communities, especially between Islam and Christianity.

The state of inter-religious relations in Pushit District reflects the broader context of Nigeria, which is known for its diverse religious landscape. Pushit is home to a diverse population comprising various religious groups, including Christianity, Islam, and indigenous beliefs. The interactions and relationships between these different religious communities in Pushit are influenced by a multitude of factors, including historical, social, and cultural dynamics. Understanding the current state of inter-religious relations provides a crucial backdrop for analyzing the impact of the Mwaghavul culture on these relations. According to Manji (15) the Mwaghavul culture, deeply rooted in Pushit District, carries its own distinct characteristics that contribute to the overall dynamics of inter-religious relations. The Mwaghavul people have a rich cultural heritage, which encompasses traditional practices, ceremonies, and beliefs that have been passed down through generations. This cultural tapestry influences the worldview, social norms, and religious practices of the Mwaghavul people, thereby shaping their interactions with other religious communities. Exploring the specific aspects of the Mwaghavul culture that impact inter-religious relations in Pushit is essential for gaining a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Inter-religious relations, as the focal point of this study, refer to the interactions, perceptions, and attitudes between individuals and groups belonging to different religious traditions. According to Azi these relations can vary from peaceful coexistence and mutual respect to tensions, conflicts, and misunderstandings (33). The impact of the Mwaghavul culture on inter-religious relations in Pushit District can be observed through various dimensions, such as cultural practices, religious syncretism, intermarriage patterns, and the influence of traditional leaders. Analyzing these dimensions will shed light on the ways in which the Mwaghavul culture shapes the dynamics of inter-religious relations in the region.

The impact of the Mwaghavul culture on inter-religious relations in Pushit District is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. By examining the concepts of culture and religion, understanding the current state of inter-religious relations in Pushit, exploring the unique aspects of the Mwaghavul culture, and analyzing the dimensions of inter-religious relations, we can gain valuable insights into the dynamics at play. This knowledge is crucial for fostering understanding, promoting dialogue, and cultivating harmonious relationships between different religious communities in Pushit and beyond.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

            In Pushit District of Mangu Local Government Area, the vibrant Mwaghavul culture holds a cherished place in the lives of its people. Known for their rich heritage and peaceful nature, the Mwaghavul community has been a source of inspiration for harmonious inter-religious relations. However, recent times have witnessed challenges in this regard, as various intruders posing as Fulani militias have sought to undermine the unity and coexistence that the Mwaghavul culture promotes.

Recognizing the immense value of harmonious inter-religious relations for the overall well-being and development of the community, it is imperative to understand the extent to which Mwaghavul cultural practices and beliefs contribute to this harmony. This research aims to explore the positive influence of the Mwaghavul culture and how it fosters peaceful coexistence among the various religious communities in Pushit District.

While there is existing research on the Mwaghavul culture and its impact on society, there is a need for more comprehensive studies that specifically focus on the positive influence of the Mwaghavul culture on inter-religious relations. Most existing research tends to provide a general overview of cultural practices without highlighting their profound consequences on religious interactions. This study aims to fill this knowledge gap by examining the unique cultural factors that promote and enhance inter-religious relationships in Pushit District.

Given the pressing need to foster peaceful coexistence among diverse religious groups in Pushit District and promote a deeper understanding of how the Mwaghavul culture contributes to inter-religious cooperation, this research is of utmost importance. Through this investigation, we seek to shed light on the positive aspects of the Mwaghavul culture and provide valuable insights and recommendations that can further strengthen and facilitate harmonious inter-religious relations in this region.

1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Study

The aim of this study is  to investigate the impact of Mwaghavul culture on inter-religious relations and explore strategies for promoting harmony and understanding.

  1. To examine the influence of Mwaghavul cultural practices on inter-religious relations in Pushit District of Mangu Local Government Area.
  2. To identify the challenges and opportunities presented by the Mwaghavul culture in fostering harmonious inter-religious interactions.
  3. To explore the perceptions and experiences of individuals belonging to different religious groups regarding the impact of Mwaghavul culture on inter-religious relations.
  4. To propose recommendations and strategies for promoting positive inter-religious relations within the context of the Mwaghavul culture in Pushit District.

1.4 Research Questions

  1. To what extent does the Mwaghavul culture influence inter-religious relations in Pushit District?
  2. What are the key challenges and opportunities arising from the Mwaghavul culture in relation to inter-religious interactions in Pushit District?
  3. How do individuals from different religious groups perceive and experience the impact of Mwaghavul culture on inter-religious relations in Pushit District?
  4. What strategies and recommendations can be suggested to enhance positive inter-religious relations within the context of the Mwaghavul culture in Pushit District?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The benefit of this study cannot be underemphasized. This study will be beneficial to various stakeholders such as scholars; policy makers and government officials; religious leaders; community organisations and NGOs; local residents and religious communities and future researchers.

Experts in anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, religious studies, and intercultural communication will find value in this study. It will provide valuable insights into how different religions will interact within a specific cultural context. By contributing to existing knowledge, it will enhance our understanding of how culture will influence religious relationships.

The study’s findings will guide policy makers and government officials who aim to promote social harmony, religious tolerance, and peaceful coexistence. They will understand the influence of Mwaghavul culture on inter-religious relations, which will help them in formulating targeted policies and initiatives that will foster positive relationships among different religious communities in Pushit District and similar regions.

This study will offer religious leaders, including clergy, imams, and traditional spiritual leaders, insights into how culture shapes inter-religious relations. It will help them understand the cultural context in which their religious communities exist and will guide them in promoting dialogue, understanding, and cooperation among different religious groups.

Community organizations and non-governmental organizations working in the areas of interfaith dialogue, peacebuilding, and conflict resolution will be able to utilize the findings to design programs and interventions that will address the specific cultural dynamics influencing inter-religious relations in Pushit District. It will provide them with a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities present in the community, facilitating efforts to foster positive interfaith interactions.

The local residents of Pushit District, especially members of different religious communities, will gain insights into their own cultural context and the factors that will shape their interactions with individuals from other religious traditions. This knowledge will promote mutual respect, empathy, and tolerance among the diverse religious communities in Pushit.

The findings of this study will serve as a foundation for future research on inter-religious relations, cultural dynamics, and the impact of specific cultural traditions on religious interactions. It will inspire further investigations into different cultural contexts, enabling researchers to draw broader conclusions and develop a comprehensive understanding of the complex relationship between culture and religion.

1.6 Justification of the Study

The Mwaghavul culture has always impacted the religious life of its people, and to a greater extent the interreligious relationship of the Mwaghavul people (ethnicity). But there are few or no literatures that have identified some of this impact. There’s a need to therefore produce a document that will identify some of these impacts on the interreligious relationship of the Mwaghavul people in Pushit district of Mangu local government area. This research aim at bridging the gap in lack of literature, and also to inform future researchers and also the loving people of Pushit district of the impact of Mwaghavul culture on interreligious relations.

1.7 Method and Scope

To produce a reliable and acceptable research document, this study will employ a mixed-method research approach,combining qualitative and quantitative methods were necessary. Data will be collected through surveys, interviews, Questionnaires and other related literatures. These data upon collection will be analyze using appropriate statistical techniques and thematic analysis.

The scope of this research cover the area identified in the topic (Pushit district of Mangu local government area). The research shall be concerned only with matters as pertaining Mwaghavul culture and how it interrelate with other religions that are in existence within Pushit district ( e.g Christianity and Islam).


The study will be organized into five sections(chapter). Chapter one shall contain the introduction of the work. In the introduction, it shall carry the following headings: background of the study, statement of the problem, research questions, objectives of the study, significance of the study, justification of the study, method and scope, and finally organisation of the study. Chapter two will focus on literature review where related work done by scholars in relation to the study will be explore.  Chapter three will focus on the method use for data collection and analysis. Chapter four is strictly concerned about data analysis and findings. Chapter five shall contain the summary, conclusion and recommendation. Each section will therefore provide a comprehensive overview of the relevant aspects of the research topic to contribute to a holistic understanding of “The Impact of Mwaghavul Culture and Inter-religious Relations in Pushit District of Mangu Local Government Area”.

1.9 Definition of Terms

Culture: Culture in this context is the norms, values,ideas and behaviour of a particular group of people in a given society .

Religion: can be seen as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

Inter-religious Relations: A meeting of people of differing religions in an atmosphere of mutual respect, freedom and openness in order to listen to the other, to try to understand that person’s religion, and hopefully to seek possibilities of collaboration.

  • Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview Table of contents, abstract and chapter 1 below

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