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1.1. Background to the Study

Africa is home to many beautiful cultures, traditions, and diverse languages. It is a continent that has been long known for its hospitality, warmth, and communal living. However, Africa is also a continent that is battling with many social problems such as poverty, illiteracy, and corruption, which have left many children exposed to different forms of neglect and abuse (Aryee, 2013). Negligence and sexual abuse of the female child have become an all too common sight in many African countries, and it is a problem that requires urgent attention.

Neglect is defined as the failure to provide adequate care, protection, and supervision to a child. This can take many forms, including physical, emotional, and sexual neglect. In Africa, many parents struggle to provide basic necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare for their children. This is partly due to poverty, but also due to factors such as lack of education and cultural beliefs. As a result, many children are left to fend for themselves, and this often leads them to the streets.

Child abuse is a deeply distressing and pervasive societal issue characterized by the mistreatment, neglect, or harm inflicted upon minors, often by individuals in positions of trust and authority, such as parents, caregivers, or family members. This multifaceted concept encompasses various forms of maltreatment, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect, all of which can have severe and long-lasting consequences for a child’s physical, psychological, and emotional well-being. Physical abuse involves the deliberate use of force, resulting in bodily harm or injury to a child. Emotional abuse encompasses behaviors that undermine a child’s self-worth, such as constant criticism, humiliation, or rejection. Sexual abuse involves non-consensual sexual acts or exploitation of a child, often leading to profound psychological trauma. Neglect, on the other hand, occurs when caregivers fail to provide essential care, support, or supervision, potentially resulting in a child’s physical or emotional harm. The impact of child abuse can extend far into adulthood, affecting victims’ mental health, relationships, and overall quality of life, underscoring the urgent need for awareness, prevention, and intervention to combat this grave societal issue. Sexual abuse of the female child has far-reaching consequences for the children involved, including exposure to violence, exploitation, and health problems (Ayelazuno & Luginaah, 2017).

In Africa, negligence and sexual abuse of the female child are closely linked. Neglect can lead to children running away from home and living on the streets, while sexual abuse of the female child can expose children to violence and sexual harassment at an early stage of life. This problem is particularly acute in countries that have experienced conflict and political instability, such as Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Sudan (Yaro, 2016). In these countries, many children have been forced to flee their homes due to violence and insecurity, and they have found refuge on the streets.

The effects of child negligence and sexual abuse of the female child are devastating. Children who live on the streets are exposed to a wide range of risks, including physical and sexual abuse, drug addiction, and mental health problems. These children are also more likely to engage in criminal activities, such as theft and prostitution, which can lead to arrest and imprisonment. (Doku, 2014). For girls, the risks are even higher, as they are often forced into prostitution, which exposes them to sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies.

Amma Darko’s novel, Faceless, provides a powerful narrative about the harsh realities of street children in Accra, Ghana. The novel portrays the issue of child negligence, which is prevalent in many developing countries, as one of the root causes of sexual abuse of the female child. The book takes a critical look at how children’s neglect leads to sexual abuse of the female child, a phenomenon where children are forced to live and work on the streets to survive (Enu-Kwesi & Diabene, 2019) This research aims to explore the intersection of negligence and sexual abuse of the female child in Faceless, examining the root causes, effects, and possible solutions to this social issue. Child negligence is one of the main themes explored in the novel. Amma Darko shows how a lack of parental care and neglect can lead to children being forced onto the streets. For example, Baby T’s mother abandons her because she cannot afford to care for her, while Poison’s mother is more interested in her lover than in her children’s welfare. Additionally, Kabria’s sister, who is married off at a young age, has to abandon her children and leave them to fend for themselves.

Amma Darko’s Faceless is a poignant literary work that tackle the pressing issues of child negligence and sexual abuse of the female child in African societies. According to Mawuse (2015) through their compelling narratives, these novels shed light on the harsh realities faced by vulnerable children and expose the underlying socioeconomic factors that contribute to their abandonment and exploitation. By addressing these themes, Darko calls for greater awareness, intervention, and support to protect and uplift the lives of neglected children, ultimately advocating for a more just and compassionate society.

The problem of child negligence and sexual abuse of the female child is not only a humanitarian issue, but it also has economic implications. Children who are denied an education and forced to live on the streets are unlikely to become productive members of society. According to Woode and Dartey-Baah (2015) this can lead to an increase in poverty and unemployment, which further exacerbates the problem. In addition, the costs associated with providing healthcare and social services to street children can be substantial. The effects of sexual abuse of the female child on children are dire. These children are vulnerable to exploitation, abuse, and violence. They are also more susceptible to illness, malnutrition, and death due to exposure to the harsh street conditions. Street children are often stigmatized and ostracized from mainstream society, leading to social exclusion and a lack of opportunities for growth and development. The novel effectively captures the struggles that these children face, highlighting the difficulties they encounter in trying to navigate life on the streets.

Addressing the problem of child negligence and sexual abuse of the female child in Africa requires a multi-faceted approach. This includes addressing the root causes of poverty, providing education and vocational training, and strengthening child protection laws. It also requires providing support and assistance to families who are struggling to provide for their children, and creating safe spaces for children who have been forced to live on the streets. The novel also explores possible solutions to the issue of sexual abuse of the female child.

Negligence and sexual abuse of the female child in Amma Darko’s Faceless

1.2 Statement of the Problem

            Child neglect is a widespread problem in Africa, which has been fueled by a lack of resources and education. Many parents are unable to provide basic necessities for their children, including food, shelter, and healthcare. This is due to poverty, unemployment, and limited access to education. In many cases, parents abandon their children on the streets to fend for themselves, which leads to the rise of street children.

The issue of child neglect is compounded by cultural and social factors that contribute to the problem. For example, in many African societies, boys are often given priority over girls in terms of education and opportunities. This leads to many girls being left behind, which limits their chances of success in life. Additionally, many traditional African societies have a culture of silence, which makes it difficult to report cases of child abuse and neglect. According to Yankson (2013) this problem is prevalent across many African countries, including Ghana, where Faceless is set. Street children are exposed to various dangers, including violence, drug abuse, and sexual exploitation. They are also at risk of contracting diseases and illnesses due to poor living conditions.

The causes of sexual abuse of the female child in Africa are complex and multifaceted. Poverty and lack of education are the primary drivers of this issue. Children from poor families are often forced to work to supplement their family income, which leads to them dropping out of school. The lack of education limits their chances of finding decent jobs, which leads to a cycle of poverty that is difficult to break. Additionally, sexual abuse of the female child is fueled by the breakdown of traditional family structures. Many parents are unable to provide for their children due to poverty, unemployment, or addiction. As a result, children are forced to fend for themselves, which leads to them living on the streets.

Efforts have been made by various stakeholders including social workers, NGOs, and government agencies to address child negligence and its associated consequences. These measures include awareness campaigns, legislative frameworks, and educational initiatives.

Despite these efforts, the problem of child negligence leading to sexual abuse of the female child persists, and the plight of these vulnerable children remains unresolved.

The children subjected to negligence and pushed into sexual abuse of the female child face dire consequences. Their physical and mental health is compromised, educational opportunities are lost, and they become vulnerable to exploitation and violence. Furthermore, their presence as street children impacts their families, communities, and society at large.

This research is motivated by the urgent need to delve into the root causes of child negligence and sexual abuse of the female child as depicted in the literary work Faceless. Understanding these causes is crucial in order to develop effective interventions and strategies that can prevent and mitigate these societal issues.

While existing efforts have addressed child negligence and sexual abuse of the female child to some extent, there is a lack of comprehensive understanding of the cultural, socioeconomic, and psychological factors that contribute to the perpetuation of these issues. By analyzing the narratives of Faceless we can gain insights into these gaps and better inform our approach to tackling the problem.

In light of the profound portrayal of child negligence and sexual abuse of the female child in Faceless it is evident that a more nuanced and multidimensional approach is needed to address these issues effectively. This research aims to contribute to the discourse on child welfare and offer insights that can guide policymakers, educators, and society as a whole toward more targeted and impactful solutions.

1.3. Objectives of the Study

            The main purpose of this study is to examine negligence and sexual abuse of the female child in Amma Darko’s Faceless. Other specific objectives of the study are to:

  1. To analyze the root causes of child neglect and sexual abuse of the female child in Africa, as depicted in Faceless and to identify the societal and cultural factors that perpetuate these issues.
  2. To examine the impact of child neglect and sexual abuse of the female child on the lives of street children, including their physical, emotional, and psychological wellbeing.
  3. To analyze the government policies and programs that have been implemented to address child neglect and sexual abuse of the female child in Africa, and to identify the gaps and challenges in these initiatives.
  4. To examine the characters and themes of Faceless in relation to child neglect and sexual abuse of the female child, and to analyze how the author uses literature to raise awareness and drive change.

1.4 Research Questions

            The following questions guided

  1. What are the root causes of child neglect and sexual abuse of the female child in Africa, as depicted in Faceless and what societal and cultural factors perpetuate these issues?
  2. What is the impact of child neglect and sexual abuse of the female child on the lives of street children in terms of their physical, emotional, and psychological wellbeing?
  3. What are the government policies and programs implemented to address child neglect and sexual abuse of the female child in Africa, and what are the gaps and challenges in these initiatives?
  4. How do the characters and themes of Faceless relate to the issues of child neglect and sexual abuse of the female child, and how does the author use literature to raise awareness and drive change?

1.5 Significance of the study

The significance of the study cannot underemphasized as it will be beneficial to the following stakeholders:

Scholars and researchers focusing on African literature, child welfare, social issues, and related fields can benefit from this study. It provides them with an in-depth analysis of the theme of child negligence and sexual abuse of the female child in the literary works of Amma Darko. The study can serve as a valuable resource for further research, comparative studies, and scholarly discussions.

Students studying literature, sociology, social work, or related subjects can gain insights into the social issues of child negligence and sexual abuse of the female child through the analysis of Faceless. The study can assist educators in designing curriculum content, discussions, and assignments related to these topics.

Policy makers and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working on child welfare and social development can benefit from this study. It offers a deeper understanding of the factors contributing to child negligence and sexual abuse of the female child in contemporary African society. The findings can inform the creation or improvement of policies, programs, and interventions aimed at addressing these issues.

Professionals working in the field of child protection, social work, and counseling can gain valuable insights from the study. It provides them with a nuanced understanding of the experiences and challenges faced by children affected by negligence and sexual abuse of the female child. The findings can contribute to the development of effective strategies for intervention, support, and rehabilitation.

The study can raise awareness among the general public about the issue of child negligence and sexual abuse of the female child, particularly in African contexts. It can help community leaders, parents, and concerned individuals understand the underlying causes and consequences of these problems, fostering empathy and a sense of responsibility towards vulnerable children.

Overall, the study on child negligence and sexual abuse of the female child in Amma Darko’s Faceless has the potential to contribute to academic discourse, policy development, and social change by shedding light on these pressing social issues and their portrayal in literature.

1.6 Theoretical Framework

            Theoretical Framework: Feminist Theory

Feminist theory provides a relevant theoretical framework for analyzing the theme of negligence and sexual abuse of the female child in Amma Darko’s novel, “Faceless.” This theory focuses on understanding the social, cultural, and political structures that contribute to gender inequalities and discrimination against women and girls.

  1. Patriarchy and Power Structures: Feminist theory highlights the influence of patriarchal power structures in perpetuating gender-based violence and abuse. In “Faceless,” the neglect and sexual abuse suffered by the female child characters are rooted in patriarchal norms and power dynamics that subordinate and exploit women and girls.
  2. Intersectionality: Feminist theory recognizes the intersections of gender with other social categories such as class, race, and age. Applying an intersectional lens to the analysis of negligence and sexual abuse in “Faceless” helps to understand how multiple forms of oppression and marginalization compound the vulnerabilities and experiences of the female child characters.
  3. Objectification and Male Gaze: Feminist theory explores the objectification of women and the male gaze as mechanisms through which women’s bodies are commodified and sexualized. In “Faceless,” the female child characters become victims of sexual abuse and exploitation, reflecting the objectification and commodification of their bodies within a patriarchal society.
  4. Agency and Resistance: Feminist theory emphasizes the agency and resistance of women and girls against oppressive structures. It examines how female characters in “Faceless” navigate their circumstances, challenge societal norms, and seek justice and empowerment despite the odds stacked against them.
  5. Structural Violence: Feminist theory highlights the concept of structural violence, which refers to the systemic and social factors that contribute to harm and injustice. In the context of “Faceless,” the negligence and sexual abuse of the female child characters are manifestations of structural violence perpetuated by societal norms, institutions, and power imbalances.

By applying feminist theory to the analysis of negligence and sexual abuse in “Faceless,” a deeper understanding of the gendered dimensions of the issue and the broader social implications can be gained. This analysis can also shed light on the importance of addressing gender inequalities and advocating for the rights and protection of women and girls in society.

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