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1.1 Background to the Study

Prose fiction is a genre of literature that encompasses narratives written in a straightforward, ordinary language, as opposed to verse or poetry. It is a vast and versatile form of storytelling that allows authors to explore a wide range of subjects, themes, and characters through the power of words. Prose fiction is characterized by its ability to create immersive and imaginative worlds, capturing the reader’s attention through the artful use of descriptive language, vivid imagery, and engaging dialogue. The genre encompasses various subgenres, including novels, novellas, short stories, and even flash fiction, each with its own distinct narrative structure and length. Prose fiction serves as a vehicle for exploration, enabling authors to delve into the depths of human experience, emotions, and conflicts. It provides a platform for the examination of societal issues, philosophical concepts, and the complexities of relationships, often inviting readers to reflect upon their own lives and perspectives. Furthermore, prose fiction offers a unique opportunity for character development, allowing authors to craft multi-dimensional and relatable protagonists and antagonists (Andrew, 2021). Through the use of narrative techniques such as point of view, plot, and pacing, authors can create tension, suspense, and dramatic arcs, keeping readers engaged and invested in the story. With its ability to transport readers to different times, places, and realities, prose fiction holds the power to entertain, educate, and inspire, making it a cherished and enduring form of artistic expression. However, the state of teaching prose fiction is perceived as not so encouraging.

The state of teaching prose fiction in secondary schools in Nigeria is influenced by various factors that shape the educational landscape of the country. While literature is included in the secondary school curriculum, the extent and effectiveness of teaching prose fiction can vary significantly across different schools and regions. According to Nweke (2019) challenges such as limited resources, overcrowded classrooms, and a lack of trained and motivated teachers often impede the comprehensive teaching of prose fiction. Additionally, the emphasis on standardized testing and performance evaluation can lead to a focus on rote learning and examination preparation, leaving less room for in-depth analysis and critical thinking about prose fiction texts. However, efforts have been made to improve the teaching of prose fiction through the inclusion of Nigerian and African literature in the curriculum, promoting cultural relevance and diversity in the texts studied. Furthermore, the use of technology and digital resources can enhance the teaching and learning experience, providing access to a wider range of literary works and facilitating interactive discussions. The state of teaching prose fiction in secondary schools in Nigeria is a complex and evolving landscape, requiring a multi-faceted approach that addresses infrastructure, teacher training, and curriculum development to foster a deeper appreciation and understanding of literature among students. However, a good and appropriate teaching method can enhance the performance of students in prose fiction.

The methods used in teaching prose in secondary schools in Nigeria encompass a variety of approaches aimed at engaging students, promoting critical thinking, and fostering a deep understanding and appreciation of literary works. One commonly employed method is the close reading of texts, where students analyze the language, structure, and themes of prose fiction works through guided discussions and activities. According to Chijioke (2019) teachers often encourage students to actively participate in classroom discussions, encouraging them to share their interpretations, ask questions, and explore different perspectives. Additionally, teachers may employ techniques such as group work, role-playing, and creative writing exercises to encourage students to actively engage with the text and develop their analytical and writing skills. In order to enhance comprehension and contextual understanding, teachers may provide historical and cultural background information related to the text, drawing connections between the narrative and the real world. Moreover, the use of multimedia resources, such as audio recordings, videos, and online platforms, can supplement traditional teaching methods by providing diverse interpretations and additional resources for students to explore.

Questioning method is a fundamental aspect of effective teaching that involves the deliberate use of questions to engage students, promote critical thinking, and assess their understanding of the subject matter. A well-designed questioning strategy encompasses various types of questions, including open-ended questions that encourage students to think deeply and express their ideas, closed-ended questions that test factual knowledge, and probing questions that delve further into students’ responses to stimulate deeper analysis and reflection. The use of a mix of lower-order and higher-order questions allows teachers to scaffold learning, gradually moving students from basic recall to more complex levels of thinking. Effective questioning strategies also involve creating a safe and supportive classroom environment where students feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and opinions (Iliya, 2016). By providing wait time after asking a question, teachers allow students to process information and formulate thoughtful responses. Additionally, teachers can employ techniques such as think-pair-share, where students discuss their answers with a partner before sharing with the whole class, promoting collaboration and active engagement. Furthermore, effective questioning strategies can be used to differentiate instruction, as teachers can tailor questions to individual students’ abilities and needs, providing appropriate levels of challenge and support.

The discussion method of teaching is a powerful instructional approach that promotes active student engagement, critical thinking, and collaborative learning. In this method, teachers facilitate structured and purposeful discussions among students, creating a dynamic learning environment where ideas are exchanged and knowledge is constructed collectively. The discussion method encourages students to express their thoughts, ask questions, and challenge assumptions, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter. According to Jwanse (2020) teachers often begin by setting clear objectives and establishing guidelines for the discussion, ensuring that it remains focused and respectful. They may use various techniques, such as Socratic questioning or fishbowl discussions, to stimulate critical thinking and encourage students to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. The discussion method also cultivates important skills such as active listening, effective communication, and the ability to construct and defend arguments. Moreover, it promotes a sense of ownership and responsibility for learning, as students become active participants in the knowledge-building process. The method can be further enhanced by incorporating diverse perspectives, incorporating real-world examples, and connecting the discussion to students’ prior knowledge and experiences. By fostering a collaborative and interactive learning environment, the discussion method empowers students to develop their reasoning abilities, engage with complex ideas, and construct deeper meaning in their learning journey.

It is in line with the above discussion that this study seeks to make a comparative Study of Questioning and Discussion Methods in the Teaching of Prose Fiction to Senior Secondary Students in Bokkos.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Senior secondary students in Bokkos face challenges in comprehending prose fiction texts, leading to decreased interest in literature. This lack of understanding affects their ability to engage with literary works effectively and hampers their overall academic performance in language and literature subjects.

Recognizing the importance of literature in shaping critical thinking and communication skills, it is imperative to address the issue of prose fiction comprehension among senior secondary students in Bokkos. Failing to find a solution to this problem may hinder their educational development and future prospects.

While various teaching methods exist for prose fiction instruction, there is a gap in knowledge regarding the effectiveness of two specific methods: questioning and discussion. Although both methods are commonly used, it remains unclear which one yields better results in enhancing students’ comprehension and appreciation of prose fiction in the context of Bokkos.

It is because of these concerns that this research seeks to investigate and compare the impacts of questioning and discussion methods in the teaching of prose fiction to senior secondary students in Bokkos. This study aims to provide valuable insights for educators, curriculum developers, and policymakers to improve literature instruction and enhance the educational experience of students in the region.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to make a Comparative Study of Questioning and Discussion Methods in the Teaching of Prose Fiction to Senior Secondary Students in Bokkos. Other specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To find out the differences in the performance of students who were exposed to questioning method and those who were exposed to discussion method in discussing prose themes.
  2. To find out the differences in the performance of students who were exposed to questioning method and those who were exposed to discussion method in analyzing prose characterization.
  3. To find out the differences in the performance of students who were exposed to questioning method and those who were exposed to discussion method in giving prose plot summary.
  4. To find out the differences in the performance of students who were exposed to questioning method and those who were exposed to discussion method in explaining prose setting.

1.4 Research Questions

            The study is guided by the following research questions:

  1. what are the differences in the performance of students who were exposed to questioning method and those who were exposed to discussion method in discussing prose themes?
  2. what are the differences in the performance of students who were exposed to questioning method and those who were exposed to discussion method in analyzing prose characterization.
  3. what are the differences in the performance of students who were exposed to questioning method and those who were exposed to discussion method in giving prose plot summary?
  4. what find out the differences in the performance of students who were exposed to questioning method and those who were exposed to discussion method in explaining prose setting?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The beneficiaries of a study would include various stakeholders within the educational ecosystem.

Firstly, the primary beneficiaries would be the senior secondary students themselves. The study would provide insights into the effectiveness of both questioning and discussion methods in enhancing their understanding and engagement with prose fiction. By identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each method, students can benefit from improved instructional practices that cater to their unique learning needs, promoting critical thinking, active participation, and a deeper appreciation of literary works.

Secondly, teachers in Bokkos would also benefit from the study. It would offer valuable guidance on the most effective strategies for teaching prose fiction, allowing them to refine their instructional approaches and techniques. By understanding the merits and potential challenges of both questioning and discussion methods, teachers can make informed decisions about their teaching practices, ultimately enhancing their pedagogical skills and improving the overall quality of education in the classroom.

School administrators and policymakers would also be beneficiaries of the study. The findings could inform decisions regarding curriculum development, instructional guidelines, and teacher training programs, leading to more effective and evidence-based educational policies. By incorporating the study’s recommendations into the educational framework, administrators can work towards creating an environment that fosters meaningful learning experiences and better outcomes in the teaching of prose fiction.

Lastly, the broader educational community can benefit from the study’s findings. Researchers, scholars, and educational experts can use the study as a reference for further research and exploration in the field of literature education. The study may contribute to the existing body of knowledge on effective teaching methods and help shape future educational practices not only in Bokkos but also in other regions and contexts.

Overall, the beneficiaries of the study on the comparative study of questioning and discussion methods in the teaching of prose fiction to senior secondary students in Bokkos include students, teachers, school administrators, policymakers, and the broader educational community, all of whom can gain insights and make informed decisions to enhance literature education.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This study aims to compare the questioning and discussion methods in the teaching of prose fiction to Senior Secondary Students in Bokkos. The study will involve students from selected secondary schools in Bokkos LGA. The participants will be selected based on their willingness to participate in the study and their availability during the study period. The study will use questioning method and discussion method in the teaching and learning of prose fiction. The study will employ a comparative approach to teaching prose fiction using discussion method and questioning method. The participants will be divided into two groups: one group will be taught using questioning method, while the other group will be taught using discussion method. The teaching methodology will be designed to ensure that both groups receive the same amount of instruction and that the instruction is delivered in a similar manner. The study will be limited to selected secondary schools in Bokkos LGA, which may limit the generalizability of the findings. Additionally, the study will be limited to teaching and learning of prose fiction only, and may not be applicable to other genres or subject areas. |

1.7 Operational Definitions of Terms

Comparative Study: In the context of this research, a “comparative study” refers to a systematic examination and analysis of the effectiveness of two or more distinct teaching methods, namely questioning and discussion, in the context of teaching prose fiction to senior secondary students in Bokkos. This involves a detailed examination of the similarities, differences, advantages, and disadvantages of these methods.

Questioning Method: The “questioning method” refers to a teaching approach where instructors actively engage students by posing thought-provoking questions related to the prose fiction being studied. This method aims to stimulate critical thinking, comprehension, and analysis by encouraging students to respond to and discuss these questions.

Discussion Method: The “discussion method” involves interactive sessions in the classroom where students and instructors engage in open conversations, debates, and exchanges of ideas regarding the prose fiction under study. This method fosters collaborative learning, critical analysis, and the exploration of diverse perspectives.

Teaching of Prose Fiction: “Teaching of prose fiction” encompasses the educational process of instructing senior secondary students on various aspects of prose fiction, including its literary elements, themes, character development, plot structure, and the interpretation of texts within the context of their cultural and historical backgrounds.

Senior Secondary Students: “Senior secondary students” in this research context refer to students typically in the final years of secondary education, often in the age range of 16 to 18 years, who are pursuing an advanced curriculum that includes the study of literature, such as prose fiction, as part of their academic requirements.

Prose fiction: For the purpose of this study, prose fiction refers to any fictional narrative written in prose (i.e., non-poetic) form, including novels, short-stories, novellas, and other similar works of fiction.

Teaching: In the context of this study, teaching refers to the act of imparting knowledge, skills, or information about prose fiction to learners, including the use of instructional materials, delivery methods, and assessment strategies.

Learning: In the context of this study, learning refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, or information about prose fiction by learners, including their engagement with instructional

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