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1.1       Background of the Study

Dressing refers to the process of putting on clothing. The aim of wearing clothing on the body is to shield, beautify, or adorn it. Clothes are one of man’s most important needs. In its broadest sense, it refers to a wide variety of materials that man wears or applies to his body. Dresses, shoes, jewelry, hairstyles, and make-up are all examples of clothing. Clothing is also used to demonstrate people’s social status and positions in society (Obeta & Uwah, 2015). They went on to say that the clothing a person chooses to wear affects the opinion others have of them. It also says about the person’s relatives. It can also have an effect on a person’s comfort and self-esteem. An individual’s dressing pattern is a type of “sign language” that communicates a complete collection of information and is typically the basis for forming immediate perceptions (Omede, 2015). However, as essential as dressing and clothing is, people have engaged in the act of indecent dressing.

Indecent dressing simply means deliberate exposure of one’s body to the public. This practice is contrary to the acceptable norms and values of the society. Egwim (2019) referred to indecent dressing in a more specific term as the attitude of someone, male or female that dresses to showoff parts of the body such as the breasts, buttocks or even the underwear particularly those of the ladies that need to be covered. This exposure is obviously a deliberate act to look sensuous, tantalizing and stimulating so as to draw the attention of the opposite sex and is more prevalent among singles (unmarried women and men). This form of dressing is provocative, improper and unacceptable. These dress patterns are morally offensive and reveals the high rate of moral decadence in the society of our time. Indecent dressing is the major cause of the various assault and sexual harassment recorded in the society, over time. In a nation like Nigeria that is endowed with varieties of culture and traditions, it is annoying seeing this culture and traditions going into extinction. Indecent dressing is a habit embraced by all ages in the society. It has been inculcated by both the young and the old. It is common among celebrities and among students in higher institutions.

There is no higher institution in Nigeria that does not have the problem of indecent dressing. The way students dress seductively in campuses of tertiary institution of learning, especially female students, leaves a lot to be desired. The skirts the girls wear are just “one inch” longer than their pants. When they put on those dresses, they have trouble sitting down, climbing machines, jumping, and picking something from the ground. Aside from the skimpy and close fitting design of these garments, they are often translucent, exposing some parts of the bodies that should be shielded away from the glare of people under usual dressing patterns. In the case of boys, their dress style differs. It makes them appear filthy and unattractive, with unkept hair and dirty jeans with pockets of holes purposefully made around the knees and the lower part of the trousers allowed to flow on the ground because they go through their heels into their legs as socks (Omede, 2015). The waist of their trousers are lowered and fastened tightly at the middle of the two bottom lobes to reveal their boxers (pants). And when they are walking, they drag their legs and one of their hands particularly, the left one, cupping their invisible scrotum as if they will fall to the ground if not supported. Because of how they dress, ladies have at one time or the other become victims of rape, lured into prostitution, used for ritual purpose, unable to complete their education or training and also engaged in other ancillary social and moral problems like cultism and lying to mention a few (Confidence, 2019).

Indecent dressing is any form of dressing that is likely to shock/offend others, or elicit sexual provocation. It is any form of dressing that does not properly cover the sexually sensitive parts of the body such as the armpit, cleavage, breast, thighs, buttocks, navel, the chest of a male, the back of a female, and so on, Ako & Igbo (2015). For instance, some females put on trousers that expose their underwear when they bend down or take a sitting position. Akor (2015) posited that some male students put on trousers and tops with strange designs and pictures of scary animals like dragons. Ako and Igbo (2015) also added that some male students dress indecently by making their boxers show above their trousers.  There are those who tie headgears like ladies, have their ears and other parts of their bodies like the mouth and nose pieced in order to wear rings on them. Some, in their care for cheap attention, maintain spiky and unkempt hairstyles resembling everything from the horse’s mane. Wearing of ear rings by the male folks and the inscription of tattoos on the human skin by both male and female folks are fast becoming hallmarks of “civilization” to some university students who idolize whatever is latest such as celebrities, clothes, accessories, hairdo, tattoo and music, be it rock, rap, jazz or just noise. To them, it does not matter what the lyrics of the song is-senseless, gothic, or immoral-as long as their peers approve of it.

The menace of indecent dressing in most Nigerian higher institution has reached an alarming proportion. It has become so pervasive that those who dress decently are seen as abnormal or uncivilized members of the university community. Some university students, especially the female students are almost going nude all in the name of fashion. They have invented a strange sub-culture of nudity in public places through their desperate attempts to be fashionable. Most campuses are drowning in morally offensive and sexually provocative dressing. One can hardly differentiate between some male and female university students and hard-core urban street thugs and prostitutes respectively (Aiyeyika, 2016). Arguably, the menace of indecent dressing in some universities is a spillover from the larger society that is flooded with indecent dressing especially among the singles. However, some married people especially women also dress indecently. There are those of them who claim that indecent dressing is a strategy for “protecting” their homes. They presumably feel that when they dress indecently (revealing the parts of their body that are supposed to be concealed) their unfaithful husbands would not have any cause of looking at husband snatchers who dress indecently as a bait (Obilo & Okugo, 2015).

Some of these young people who dress indecently appear not to be aware of the saying that “one should dress the way one should be addressed”. Efforts by some older members of the society to correct this negative trend have not only become fruitless but have also presented them in a very bad light as primitive, uncivilized, naive and abnormal members of the society. Some of such adults have learnt to cope with the worrisome development by adopting the approach of “looking-the-other-way” and turning a blind–eye to the misadventure of the youths most of whom are very ready to pounce on anyone who dare make an uncomplimentary remark on their dressing. Unfortunately, there are some parents who do not only dress indecently but also encourage their children in higher institution to dress indecently by either sending money to them to buy such dresses or going to the market to buy it for them (Akpan, 2018).

It is in line with the above discussion that this study seeks to examine the prevalence of indecent dressing among the students and its implication for counselling in Federal College of Education, Pankshin.

1.2       Statement of the problem

The ideal situation is for students in Federal College of Education, Pankshin to maintain appropriate and modest dressing, promoting a conducive learning environment that upholds cultural norms and values. However, there is a prevalent and concerning issue of indecent dressing among the students in Federal College of Education, Pankshin. Many students disregard the established dress codes and guidelines for various departments, opting for attire that is revealing, provocative, or inappropriate for an educational institution.

Recognizing the detrimental effects of indecent dressing, the college administration has implemented various measures to address the issue. These include the establishment of dress codes and rules outlining acceptable attire, disciplinary actions for dress code violations, and awareness campaigns to educate students about the importance of modest dressing. Despite these measures, the problem of indecent dressing persists among the students in Federal College of Education, Pankshin. Many students continue to disregard the dress codes and engage in inappropriate dressing, creating an environment that is not conducive to learning and detracting from the overall educational experience.

The prevalence of indecent dressing among the students in Federal College of Education, Pankshin has several detrimental effects. Firstly, it creates a distracting and uncomfortable learning environment, as students’ focus may be diverted due to provocative or revealing clothing. Secondly, it can lead to a decline in academic performance, as students may feel more self-conscious or experience social pressures related to their appearance. Additionally, the prevalence of indecent dressing undermines the cultural norms and values upheld by the institution, eroding respect for traditions and societal expectations.

Given the persistence of the problem and its impact on the college community, there is a pressing need to understand the underlying factors contributing to the prevalence of indecent dressing among the students and its implications for counseling services. By gaining insights into the root causes and consequences of this issue, effective strategies and interventions can be developed to address the problem comprehensively. Although efforts have been made to tackle the issue of indecent dressing, there is a significant gap in knowledge regarding the specific prevalence of this problem within Federal College of Education, Pankshin. Additionally, there is a lack of comprehensive research exploring the implications of indecent dressing for counseling services in the college context. Understanding these aspects is crucial for developing tailored counseling approaches that address the underlying factors contributing to indecent dressing and promote positive behavioral change.

Therefore, this research aims to investigate the prevalence of indecent dressing among students in Federal College of Education, Pankshin, and explore its implications for counseling services. By gathering data on the extent of the problem and examining its underlying causes, this study seeks to contribute to the development of effective strategies and interventions that can address the issue of indecent dressing, promote appropriate attire, and create a positive and conducive learning environment for all students in the college.

1.3       Objective of the study

            The purpose of this study is on the prevalence of indecent dressing among students and its implication for counselling in federal college of education, Pankshin. The objectives of the study are to:

  1. To identify and categorize the forms of indecent dressing prevalent among students in Federal College of Education, Pankshin.
  2. To investigate the factors that influence students’ choice of engaging in indecent dressing within the college.
  3. To assess the perceived relationship between indecent dressing and students’ academic performance, including their concentration, engagement in learning activities, and overall educational outcomes.
  4. To find out how counselling can help remedy indecent dressing in FCE Pankshin.

1.4       Research questions

The following research questions guide the study.

  1. What are the different forms of indecent dressing prevalent among students in Federal College of Education, Pankshin?
  2. What factors influence students’ choices to engage in indecent dressing within the college?
  3. What is the perceived relationship between indecent dressing and students’ academic performance, including their concentration, engagement in learning activities, and overall educational outcomes?
  4. How can counseling services effectively address and remedy the issue of indecent dressing among students in Federal College of Education, Pankshin?

1.5       Research hypothesis

The following research hypothesis were raised to guide the study

H01: There is no significant relationship between indecent dressing and students’ academic performance, including their concentration, engagement in learning activities, and overall educational outcomes.

H01:Counseling services do not have a significant impact on addressing and remedying the issue of indecent dressing among students in Federal College of Education, Pankshin.

1.6       Significance of the study

            The study is on survey into the prevalence of indecent dressing among the students and its implication for counseling in Federal College of Education, Pankshin. The assumption of this research will be of significant to:

  1. Government/Policy Makers: This research will help the government/policy makers to address the challenge of indecent dressing among students in higher institution of learning by providing means of proper orientation to students about the campus life.
  2. School administrators: The study will equip school administrators with skill to get students dress decently mostly when entering the school premises and going for lectures by making sure the school security checkmate any form of indecent dressing before the student’s passes through the gate to the school.
  3. Counsellors: Counsellors will be active with their work and give full attention to students who may want to come for counselling mostly those students who are affected by social vises in school campuses.
  4. Parents/guardians: This work will also help parents to give their children good home training and teach them the norms of life so that they will behave well while in school and in the society at large.
  5. Researchers: This finding shall be a reference materials to researchers who may embark on similar study.

1.7 Theoretical Framework

            The sociocultural perspective provides a framework for understanding the phenomenon of indecent dressing among students. This theory suggests that the way individuals dress is influenced by societal norms, cultural values, peer pressure, and media representations. In the context of students, factors such as age, identity formation, and the desire for social acceptance play significant roles.

Social Norms: Societies establish certain norms regarding appropriate attire based on cultural, religious, and social values. These norms guide individuals’ choices when it comes to dressing. Indecent dressing among students may occur when there is a divergence between societal norms and individual preferences or when students challenge established norms as an act of rebellion.

Cultural Values: Different cultures have distinct perspectives on modesty, appropriateness, and morality. Cultural values regarding clothing can shape students’ perceptions of what is considered indecent or appropriate. When students from diverse cultural backgrounds interact in educational institutions, clashes between their cultural values and local norms may arise, leading to different interpretations of indecent dressing.

Peer Pressure: Students are highly influenced by their peers, seeking acceptance and validation from their social groups. Peer pressure can contribute to indecent dressing as students attempt to fit in, follow trends, or gain popularity. Fear of exclusion or ridicule may push students to conform to prevailing fashion choices, even if they go against their personal values or societal norms.

Media and Popular Culture: Mass media and popular culture have a significant impact on students’ perceptions of fashion and personal style. Images portrayed in movies, television shows, music videos, and social media platforms often emphasize provocative or revealing attire, creating an idealized image of attractiveness. Students may emulate these images, considering them fashionable or desirable, without fully comprehending the potential consequences or cultural implications.

Identity Formation: Students are in a stage of life where they are actively exploring and constructing their identities. Experimentation with clothing choices can be a means of self-expression, asserting independence, or challenging authority. Indecent dressing may be a manifestation of students’ desire to differentiate themselves, gain attention, or push boundaries as they navigate their evolving identities.

It is important to note that the sociocultural perspective does not excuse or justify indecent dressing but rather provides a framework for understanding the underlying factors contributing to this behavior. By recognizing and addressing these influences, educators, parents, and society at large can work towards promoting healthier attitudes towards dressing, fostering open dialogues, and providing guidance to help students make informed choices aligned with cultural values, personal development, and respect for others.

1.8       Scope of the study

This study aims to investigate the prevalence of indecent dressing among students and its implications for counseling in Federal College of Education, Pankshin. The study will specifically focus on undergraduate students enrolled in various programs within the college. The target population for the study will be students from all levels of undergraduate programs in Federal College of Education, Pankshin. The rationale for selecting undergraduate students is that they are more likely to engage in various forms of dressing styles and exhibit a range of behaviors related to indecent dressing. Additionally, focusing on this population will provide valuable insights into the prevalence and implications of indecent dressing among college students.

Within the scope of this research, the study will specifically examine the following aspects related to indecent dressing: types and forms of indecent dressing prevalent among students, factors influencing students’ choice of indecent dressing, perceived motivations for engaging in indecent dressing, and the perceived impact of indecent dressing on students’ well-being and academic performance.

The geographical scope of the study is limited to Federal College of Education, Pankshin, located in Nigeria. The choice of this institution is due to its relevance in understanding the prevalence of indecent dressing and its implications for counseling among college students in that specific context.

1.9       Definition of terms

Prevalence: Prevalence, sometimes referred to as prevalence rate, is the proportion of persons in a population who have a particular disease or attribute at a specified point in time or over a specified period of time.

Indecent dressing: Indecent dressing on the other hand is the improper and provocative way of dressing relative to the society or culture in which it is being perpetrated.

Students: A person formally engaged in learning, especially one enrolled in a school or college; pupil. A student is a person enrolled in a school or other educational institution.

Implication: Implication is a noun that refers to the act of implying, suggesting something without explicitly stating it and to something that is implied or suggested.

Counselling: Counselling is a form of ‘talk therapy’. It is a process where an individual, couple or family meet with a trained professional counsellor to talk about issues and problems that they are facing in their lives.

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  • Chapter 1 to 5
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