Title Page – – – – – – – – – i
Declaration – – – – – – – – – ii
Approval Page – – – – – – – – – iii
Dedication – – – – – – – – – iv
Acknowledgement – – – – – – – v
Table of Contents – – – – – – – vi
Abstract – – – – – – – viii
1.1. Background of the Study – – – – – – 1
1.2. Statement of the Problem – – – – – – 4
1.3. Purpose of the Study – – – – – – 4
1.4. Research Questions – – – – – – – 5
1.5. Research Hypothesis – – – – – – 6
1.6. Significance of the Study – – – – – – 7
1.7. Delimitation of the Study – – – – – – 8
1.8. Operational Definition of Terms – – – – 9
2.1 Meaning of Instructional Materials – – – 11
2.2 The use of instructional materials – – – 14
2.3 Qualities of Effective Use of Instructional Materials 16
2.4 Guideline for Selection of Instructional Materials in
the Teaching and Learning of English Consonant
Sounds – – – – – – – – 18
2.5 Classification of Instructional Materials – – 22
2.6 Source of Instructional Materials – – 25
2.7 The Role (importance) of Instructional Materials 28
2.8 Summary of the Chapter – – – – – 31
3.1 Introduction – – – – – – – 33
3.2 Population and Sample – – – – – 33
3.3 Sampling Techniques – – – – – 34
3.4 Instrument for Data Collection – – – – 34
3.5 Procedure for Instrument Development – – 35
3.6 Validity and Reliability of Instrument – – 35
3.7 Procedure for Data Collection – – – – 36
3.8 Method of Data Analysis – – – – – 37
4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis – – – – 38
5.1 Summary of Findings – – – – – 55
5.2 Conclusion – – – – – – – 56
5.2 Recommendations – – – – – – 56
References – – – – – – – 60
Appendices – – – – – – – 61
This project investigated the impact of instructional materials on teaching and learning of English consonant sounds in selected secondary schools in Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State. The effective management of teaching and learning of English consonant sounds to a very large extent is dependent on the combination of factors which include the personality of the teacher, learners’ characteristics, instructional support, availability and utilization of instructional materials. What arouse the researchers’ curiousity to venture into this area of study is due to the unique place of instructional materials as integral component of curriculum and instruction which had traditionally been grossly misunderstood and neglected. It is in the light of this that the researchers were able to arrive at the results of the findings through the use of questionnaires for teachers and students in the five selected secondary schools in Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State. To achieve the purpose of this study, the researchers used simple table percentage to analyse the data obtained in major findings of this study, therefore revealing that teaching aids have great positive impact on the learners. The researchers concluded that the teaching of English consonant sounds is more practical than theoretical. Therefore, teachers of English must employ the use of instructional materials in teaching English consonant sounds so as to carry both slow and fast learners along. Thus, it was recommended that government should recruit more competent professional teachers in secondary schools. The school boards should recognize in-service training for the untrained teachers of English and refresher courses for the trained once in teaching aids and many other recommendations were made.
1.1 Background of study
The history of instructional materials in education is as old as the history of education. It started with the use of visual materials which could be dated back to the Stone Age period. It gradually moved to audio visual, including sound recording in motion pictures. The audio visual developed to communication, this shift from devices to the process of communicating information during instruction when it became clear. Instructional materials advance from communication to a system or principle that emphasize on planning utilization, production, management and utilization of the factors of an entire instruction system.
However a better management of teaching to a very large extent is dependent on the combination factors such as personality of the teacher, learners, characteristic instructional support and likewise the availability and utilization of instructional materials component of curriculum and instruction has traditionally:
Akanbi (1988) observes that the unique place of an instructional materials as an integral component of the curriculum and instruction has traditionally been grossly misunderstood and correspondingly, neglected. It is in the light of the above that the researcher will attempt a survey of the variety of instructional materials available, the guideline governing the selection the selection usefulness sources and the role and design of instructional materials.
Instructional materials and teaching aids are often synonymously. As the name implies, they are things which are intended to help the teacher to teach more effectively and enable the students to learn more steadily. Adegun (1997) captures it as “information that carries design specially to fulfill objectives in the teaching and learning situation.”
However in the teaching of English consonants sounds, there is a need for the teachers to ensure the use of instructional materials in order to motivate learner’s interest, likewise, making learning permanent in them, such instructional materials include, audio visual aids, visual and resources. For example, in the teaching of oral skills such as /p/ and /b/, /t/ and /d/, such speeches could be play to students to test their learning abilities and to expose them to varieties of voices other than that of teachers learning oral production could also be recorded and played back in order to measure the progress made by the students.
Moreover, the use of instructional materials reduces the teachers problem of presenting repetitive drill, for instance the use of flash card could be introduced in teaching of consonant through the use of minimal pairs. The words are written on the card with their contrast sound underlined and these are presented to students as follows.
/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/
Pat Bless Start Death
Peep Bat Tap Dish
Sharp Bed Steal Loud
Please Bread Teeth Dash
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The research work shall examine the extent to which teachers of English employ instructional materials in teaching English consonant sound and also verify the positive impact of instructional materials on the teaching learning process of consonant sounds. Likewise, in the course of investigation, the researcher will outline reasons that necessitate the use of instructional materials regularly in the teaching of English consonant secondary schools in Mangu.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The study will help in verifying the instructional materials are effective in the teaching and learning of English consonants sounds in our secondary schools in Mangu. The impact of instructional materials on our teaching process actually motivated the researcher to carry out investigation. The finding in the research work will help teachers of English to use instructional materials as the best way of stimulating learners’ interest to learn. The specific purposes in this research work are:
I. To encourage the use of instructional materials in teaching and learning of English consonants.
II. To find out if students learn faster with the use of instructional materials.
III. To determine the effectiveness of instructional materials in the teaching and learning of English consonant sound in our secondary school in Mangu L.G.A.
IV. To motivate teachers of English to always use instructional materials during their lesson.
1.4 Research Questions
The research work seeks to answer the following question.
I. Is it necessary for teachers of English to always use instructional materials in the teaching and learning of consonants sound?
II. Do instructional materials help the students to understand the sounds better?
III. Does the use of instructional materials make teaching and learning of consonant sounds interesting and meaningful?
IV. Do instructional materials make any meaningful impact on the learners?
1.5 Hypothesis.
This is a supposition or proposes explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation without any assumption of its truth. The hypothesis is derived from the research problems, “the impact of instructional materials in the teaching and learning of consonant sounds in some selected secondary schools in Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State.
The variables are the instructional materials and learners. In this case, there is a relationship between the two variables, therefore, it is a fact that instructional materials can aid teaching and learning process. The following hypothesis is however formulated:
1. Consonant sound using instructional materials is more practical than theory in teaching and learning environment.
2. Teachers who use instructional materials perform (teach) better than those who teach without them.
3. Students who learn with instructional materials learn better and faster than those who learn without them.
1.6 Significance of the Study
The research work shall be of great benefit to secondary school teachers and students in their teaching and learning process since students learn better with the use of instructional materials. It will be of good assistance to the teachers and students in the following ways:
1. It will enable the teacher to realize the value of instructional materials.
2. Teachers will also be encourages to develop the habit of improvising instructional materials were it is needed.
3. It will help in giving the teachers techniques and method so as to improve the teaching and learning of consonant sounds in our secondary schools.
4. It helps the students to or learners to communicate with the sound that have been thought.
5. Schools will be encouraged to through the piece of work to provide more instructional materials in the schools.
6. It will enable the teachers to provide the modern technology, in teaching and learning process.
7. It will provide the teachers with much needed information on the use of instructional materials.
1.7 Delimitation of the Study
These are the areas that the researcher(s) intend to restrict the investigation and findings.
The research under investigation is “the impact of instructional materials in the teaching and learning of English consonant sounds in some selected secondary schools in Mangu L.G.A.” because of the time constrain and in adequate finance, the research is limited to five (5) secondary schools in Mangu L.G.A, five schools have been selected.
The selected secondary school from Mangu L.G.A include:
1. COCIN Secondary School Ampang West of Mangu L.G.A.
2. Bwonpe Community Secondary School of Mangu L.G.A.
3. Nakam Memorial Secondary School Panyam.
4. Government Science School Mangun.
5. Mwagavul Community Secondary School Kerang.
The research work shall consider and concentrate on how often the teachers of English use instructional materials in their teaching of consonants sounds and the outcome on the learners. The covered area shall be used to represent the secondary schools in Mangu L.G.A.
1.8 Operational Definition of terms.
Operational terms used in the topic of this project are here by defined below and with the content of this research work.
1. Impact: this refers to power effect of something has on somebody. Example, the impact of instructional materials in teaching and learning of consonant sounds.
2. Instructional materials: this refers to guideline or direction on how to about doing something.
3. Materials: this refers to those things that are needed in order to do a particular activity. Example, teaching materials.
4. Teaching: this is a process of impacting knowledge, value and attitude into learners in order to cause a change behavior.
5. Learning: this is a process of acquiring knowledge and values in a school or formal setting by student teachers and students.
6. Schools: this is an organized formal setting where teachers and students interact for the purpose of teaching and learning.
7. Secondary school: this refers to a school for young people between the ages of eleven and sixteen or eighteen years and above.
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- With abstract reference and questionnaire
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